Quant Mashup - Open Source Quant
Modeling Intent in R and/or Python [Open Source Quant]
Learning or experimenting with Tidytext has been on my radar for at least a few years. Only recently did i have a need to pick it up. As with most learnings, they lead you down a path of more knowledge (read: rabbit holes) than you foresaw. This post is a hat-tip to the resources i used, knitting
- 3 years ago, 10 Jan 2022, 12:03pm -
A Personal Portfolio Allocation Approach [Open Source Quant]
My experience in financial markets to date has mostly been related to trading and investment banking. From executing index arbitrage and various other strategies, to product managing a team building execution algorithms for automating strategies which minimize market impact and make relative and
- 3 years ago, 30 Jul 2021, 12:36am -
A replication of the Practical Application section in 'The Probability of Backtest Overfitting' [Open Source Quant]
In their paper “The Probability of Backtest Overfitting” [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2326253] Bailey et al. introduce a method for detecting overfitting. They refer to the method as CSCV or Combinatorially Symmetric Cross Validation. Bailey et al. proceed to show that
- 6 years ago, 5 Aug 2018, 09:34am -
Round Turn Trade Simulation – in R [Open Source Quant]
I was fortunate enough to talk about my latest open source work with Brian Peterson at the R/Finance conference in Chicago just less than 1 month ago. It was my first time to the conference, and I will be back again for sure. The topics and their presentations are available on the website. With this
- 6 years ago, 30 Jun 2018, 10:17am -
Monte Carlo Simulation for your Portfolio PL [Open Source Quant]
‘Once you have a system, the biggest obstacle is trusting it.’ Tom Wills ‘What is the last thing you do before you climb on a ladder? You shake it. And that is Monte Carlo simulation.’ Sam Savage, Stanford University Introduction In my early days of looking at trading strategies, getting to
- 7 years ago, 9 Aug 2017, 11:12pm -
R-view: Backtesting – Harvey & Liu (2015) [Open Source Quant]
In this post i take an R-view of “Backtesting – Harvey & Liu (2015).” The authors propose an alternative to the commonly practiced 50% discount that is applied to reported Sharpe ratios when evaluating backtests of trading strategies. The reason for the discount is due to the inevitable
- 8 years ago, 17 Nov 2016, 09:03pm -
Quantitative Strategy Development Overview – Brian Peterson [Open Source Quant]
I have had the pleasure of getting to know and work with Brian Peterson of late building out the blotter::mcsim function in the blotter package. I will be writing about this function soon and where it is headed, but in this post i wanted to share a presentation Brian gave the CapeR User Group last
- 8 years ago, 21 Jul 2016, 11:03pm -
Block Bootstrapped Monte Carlo – in R [Open Source Quant]
A few weeks back i wrote a post including the source code for a Monte Carlo simulation function in R. The idea was to randomly sample daily returns produced by a backtest and build a confidence interval distribution of the middle 50% and 90% of returns. Since then Brian Peterson got in touch with me
- 8 years ago, 26 Apr 2016, 05:33pm -
Benchmarks – why using a Buy-Hold strategy as a benchmark is probably doing it wrong [Open Source Quant]
Comparing a strategy’s performance to a Buy-and-Hold strategy is quick and easy. But there is a good chance it might not be appropriate and adds as much value as the time it took to research…zero. So when i see an article comparing a particular strategy to its Buy-and-Hold equivalent dating back
- 8 years ago, 17 Apr 2016, 01:50pm -
A Monte Carlo Simulation function for your back-test results – in R [Open Source Quant]
In this post on bettersystemtrader.com, Andrew Swanscott interviews Kevin Davey from KJ Trading Systems who discusses why looking at your back-test historical equity curve alone might not give you a true sense of a strategy’s risk profile. Kevin Davey also writes on the topic here for
- 8 years ago, 29 Mar 2016, 02:22pm -