Quant Mashup - Systematic Edge
The Man Who Solved the Market – Notes [Systematic Edge]
When it comes to the world’s most secretive hedge fund any content is worthwhile to read. I finished the book is 3 days and had to re-read a couple more chapters to ensure I fully absorbed the couple nuggets in there. I would recommend this book to everyone! The mystery behind how Simons
- 5 years ago, 12 Nov 2019, 09:06am -
Queue Position Simulation [Systematic Edge]
First off, Happy Thanksgiving! If time permits in the coming months I’d like to explore more on how I look at High Frequency (HF) data. Hopefully along the way I can spark some new discussion and improve on my thought process. HFT strategy “simulation” is no easy task. I am referring to this
- 6 years ago, 22 Nov 2018, 06:44pm -
Automated Trading System – Internal Order Matching [Systematic Edge]
Most automated trading systems (ATS) are built such that there are little to no interactions between component models. This is limiting. Here I am referring to a trading system as the overarching architecture that houses multiple individual models. Without interactions, each model is operating
- 9 years ago, 22 Feb 2015, 08:31pm -