Quant Mashup - Alpha Architect
Even God Would Get Fired as an Active Investor [Alpha Architect]
Empirical asset pricing research can sometimes get monotonous because you end up circling back relentlessly to the same conclusions: value works, momentum works, and yet, markets are remarkably efficient. But, sometimes, research uncovers absolutely stunning and counter-intuitive results–and this
- 9 years ago, 2 Feb 2016, 10:32am -
The most concise explanation of behavioral finance I've ever seen [Alpha Architect]
One of the most overused– and misunderstood — terms I’ve seen used by finance practitioners is “behavioral finance.” Many professionals consider themselves to be “behavioral finance experts” because they identify irrational investors.1 Newsflash: Identifying irrational investors is not
- 9 years ago, 29 Jan 2016, 10:32am -
How Does Analyst Optimism Affect Momentum Strategies? [Alpha Architect]
We examine the effect of security analyst recommendations on stock price momentum. Results show that momentum profits are directly linked to analyst optimism. Specifically, we find that a 1-unit change in recommendation quintile translates to about a 50 basis point change in subsequent 3-month
- 9 years ago, 27 Jan 2016, 10:09pm -
Following Opportunistic insiders Earns over 1% Monthly Alpha [Alpha Architect]
We show that opportunistic insider traders can be identified through the profitability of their trades prior to quarterly earnings announcements (QEAs), and that opportunistic trading is associated with various other kinds of managerial and firm misconduct. The subsequent buys and sells of
- 9 years ago, 25 Jan 2016, 12:09pm -
Is Price Momentum a Brother From Another Mother? [Alpha Architect]
Momentum in firm fundamentals, i.e., earnings momentum, explains the performance of strategies based on price momentum. Earnings surprise measures subsume past performance in cross sectional regressions of returns on firm characteristics, and the time-series performance of price momentum strategies
- 9 years ago, 21 Jan 2016, 12:53pm -
Value Investing: Accruals, Cash Flows, and Operating Profitability [Alpha Architect]
Accruals are the non-cash component of earnings. They represent adjustments made to cash flows to generate a profit measure largely unaffected by the timing of receipts and payments of cash. Prior research finds that expected returns increase in firm profitability. However, firms with high accruals
- 9 years ago, 14 Jan 2016, 12:54pm -
Does Science Advance One Funeral at a Time? [Alpha Architect]
A really interesting paper hit the NBER wires recently. The central argument of the paper is that “rock star” thought leaders dominate a field, but when they die, new thought leaders are able to emerge. In summary, there seems to be a cost and a benefit attached to a powerful intellectual: On
- 9 years ago, 13 Jan 2016, 10:32am -
Interest Rates, Tax-Selling, and Stock Return Seasonality [Alpha Architect]
We show that interest rates drive mispricing at the turn of a tax period as investors face the trade-off between selling a temporarily-depressed stock this period and selling next period at fundamental value, but with tax implications delayed accordingly. We confi rm these patterns in US returns,
- 9 years ago, 8 Jan 2016, 11:33am -
Daily Academic Alpha: Value and Momentum in Vietnam [Alpha Architect]
An interesting out of sample test on return drivers in the Vietnamese market from 2006 to 2014. Not surprisingly, value and momentum show some mojo - Liquidity as well…size, not so much. But size only matters if you control your junk, apparently. This is in line with our own research and the
- 9 years ago, 5 Jan 2016, 09:58pm -
A Win for Socially Responsible Investing: Rethinking Sin Stocks [Alpha Architect]
I have a love-hate relationship with sin stocks. On one hand, my first big winning stock pick was Swisher Sweet Cigars, which nearly doubled a month after I bought it in 1998, thus proving that I was a stock picking genius and much self-satisfaction (at least until several years later when I lost
- 9 years ago, 4 Jan 2016, 11:07am -
‘Tis the Season for strange effects in the stock market [Alpha Architect]
The efficient market hypothesis suggests that stock prices are always “right” in the sense that stock prices reflect all available information. Of course, during tax season, fundamentals go out the window: I’m selling my losers, and letting my winners ride! And I’m not the only investor
- 9 years ago, 29 Dec 2015, 10:31pm -
Great Academic Research is Bursting at the Seams [Alpha Architect]
Having been a full-time academic financial economist in a former life (still dabble, when able), I became accustomed to my annual pilgrimage to the annual American Finance Association (AFA) meeting. For the uninitiated, the AFA annual meeting is a gathering of all the major brainpower in academic
- 9 years ago, 29 Dec 2015, 10:44am -
Avoid Firms with CFOs that Golf All the Time [Alpha Architect]
Chief financial officers are responsible for managing the financial reporting process. We test whether the quality of a firm’s financial reports is a function of the effort expended by the CFO. Using golfing records to measure leisure consumption, we first show that CFOs consume more leisure when
- 9 years ago, 17 Dec 2015, 08:11pm -
Are Stock Pricing Anomalies Driven by Risk or Mispricing? [Alpha Architect]
Using a sample of 97 stock return anomalies documented in published studies, we find that anomaly returns are 7 times higher on earnings announcement days and 2 times higher on corporate news days. The effects are similar on both the long and short sides, and they survive adjustments for risk
- 9 years ago, 15 Dec 2015, 06:29pm -
Value Investing Requires Patience...a LOT of Patience-Ask Cliff Asness [Alpha Architect]
Value investing was a lot easier in 2012 and 2013 when our value approach beat the market by a substantial margin and we had a reasonable edge on other active value players. But now that we have lived through 2014 and 2015, most value approaches (simple, complex, quant, human, small, large, etc.)
- 9 years ago, 10 Dec 2015, 11:38pm -
Expanding the Efficient Frontier with Value and Momentum Strategies [Alpha Architect]
Awww…modern portfolio theory…that feel-good construct I teach to all of my graduate-level finance students each year. Simply input 1) a vector of expected returns and 2) a covariance matrix into your computer, and voilà, you have your optimal portfolio weights. Like all things viewed with the
- 9 years ago, 9 Dec 2015, 06:28pm -
The Quantitative Momentum Investing Philosophy [Alpha Architect]
Our Quantitative Momentum (QM) system seeks to identify stocks with the highest quality “momentum.” We consider the term momentum to mean a continuation of past returns—past winners tend to be future winners, while past losers tend to be future losers. How can we exploit this phenomenon? At
- 9 years ago, 1 Dec 2015, 01:37pm -
Momentum Investing: Why Does Seasonality Matter for Momentum? [Alpha Architect]
With Januaries (a month in which lagged "losers" typically outperform lagged "winners") excluded, the average monthly return to a momentum strategy for U.S. stocks was found to be 59 bps for non-quarter-ending months but 310 bps for quarter-ending months. The pattern was stronger
- 9 years ago, 30 Nov 2015, 11:22pm -
International Evidence for our favorite Value metric: Enterprise Multiples [Alpha Architect]
The enterprise multiple (EM) predicts the cross section of international returns. The return predictability of EM is similarly pronounced in developed and emerging markets and likewise strong among small and large firms. An international portfolio of low-EM firms outperforms a portfolio of high-EM
- 9 years ago, 24 Nov 2015, 01:28pm -
Frog in the Pan: Identifying the Highest Quality Momentum Stocks [Alpha Architect]
We test a frog-in-the-pan (FIP) hypothesis that predicts investors are inattentive to information arriving continuously in small amounts. Intuitively, we hypothesize that a series of frequent gradual changes attracts less attention than infrequent dramatic changes. Consistent with the FIP
- 9 years ago, 23 Nov 2015, 09:33pm -
Trend Following and Momentum Strategies for Global REITs [Alpha Architect]
This study investigates whether the risk adjusted returns of a global REIT portfolio would be enhanced by adopting a trend following strategy (which is an absolute concept), a momentum based strategy (which is a relative concept and requires individual country allocations), or indeed a combination
- 9 years ago, 20 Nov 2015, 12:14pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Solving the Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle [Alpha Architect]
Kewei Hou and Roger Loh have a fun paper on the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle, which is set to be published in the Journal of Financial Economics. The idiosyncratic volatility puzzle is associated with the empirical evidence which suggests that stocks with higher idiosyncratic volatility
- 9 years ago, 19 Nov 2015, 11:14am -
Bond Performance when Interest Rates Spike [Alpha Architect]
The prediction of higher interest rates has been ongoing since the government went all-in on a variety of so-called “inflationary” efforts. Inflation hasn’t happened and rates are still low across the yield curve. So-called “bond vigilantes,” having been wrong for 7 years now and are still
- 9 years ago, 18 Nov 2015, 11:52am -
David Dreman on Value Investing and Investor Overreaction [Alpha Architect]
David Dreman is a personal hero of mine. Years ago, I stumbled on his book, “Psychology and the Stock Market: Investment Strategy Beyond Random Walk,” which was originally published in 1977. It had a huge impact on me. It’s timeless, with lessons that still apply to value investing today. It
- 9 years ago, 17 Nov 2015, 04:26pm -
How the Number of Firms and Holding Periods Affect Momentum Funds [Alpha Architect]
We have already documented the returns to generic momentum investing strategies. Within the fund marketplace, many investors focus on fees and less on process. For example, Morningstar highlights the fees as “cost-efficient” for a specific momentum fund, MTUM. However, fees are only one part of
- 9 years ago, 16 Nov 2015, 12:37pm -
The World's Longest Trend-Following Backtest [Alpha Architect]
Were in the middle of an academic research project and we ran a simple long-term trend-following model from January 1, 1801 to September 30, 2015. Recently, there has been some research on the performance of trend rules over long periods here (and highlighted by CXO here). Our trend-following
- 9 years ago, 9 Nov 2015, 12:58pm -
An interesting look at the size anomaly [Alpha Architect]
Many of you are probably aware of the paper from AQR entitled, “Size Matters: When you control for your junk.” We loved the title so much we considered it one of our Top 5 Geeky, Yet Funny, Economic Paper Titles. Of course, great papers often go unread beyond the abstract because they are a bit
- 9 years ago, 4 Nov 2015, 01:35pm -
All firms can benefit from the positive influence of women [Alpha Architect]
Marisa Mayer’s recent announcement that she is again pregnant, and does not plan to take maternity leave after her twins arrive, has once again raised the age-old question about how far women have really come in making a gender equitable workplace. While women are undoubtedly making progress,
- 9 years ago, 29 Oct 2015, 03:53pm -
Which Asset Allocation Weights Work the Best? [Alpha Architect]
Okay, we're sold on a closet-indexing approach to the markets. Now we're investigating a variety of smart-beta products available in the market that weigh a large portfolio of stocks with some algorithm. But a natural question arises when trying to pick smart beta ETFs: What is the optimal
- 9 years ago, 27 Oct 2015, 12:19pm -
Turn Off Your Chief Economist: GDP Growth Doesn't Predict Stock Returns [Alpha Architect]
In a sustained effort to try too hard, investors are constantly analyzing and assessing the growth rates of various markets around the world. The key assumption behind this analysis is that knowledge of these growth rates enhances their ability to predict the future and expected returns. This
- 9 years ago, 22 Oct 2015, 04:40pm -
Insider Trading During the 8-K Trading Gap [Alpha Architect]
SEC rules allow companies to delay the public disclosure of significant corporate events for up to 4 business days. This information is reported on an 8-K. This 4-day gap between an event and the disclosure creates an interesting situation. As an insider, if I know an 8-K is going to report news, I
- 9 years ago, 21 Oct 2015, 04:01pm -
Surprise...Trading More is Profitable for Active Funds! [Alpha Architect]
Warren Buffett make it clear why frequent trading damages one’s wealth: “Wall Street makes its money on activity. You make your money on inactivity.” (source) But is activity always a bad thing? Implicit in Buffett’s quote is an assumption that frictional costs outweigh any benefits of
- 9 years ago, 16 Oct 2015, 12:18pm -
Ben Graham Would be Proud: Fundamental Analysis Works [Alpha Architect]
Here is an interesting working paper on the use of fundamental analysis in stock selection. The authors take a “machine learning” approach to building out statistical fair-value Ben Graham and David Dodd would be proud. Of course, this isn’t surprising if you’ve read our treatise on
- 9 years ago, 15 Oct 2015, 12:35pm -
Absolute Strength Momentum Investing Strategy [Alpha Architect]
Here we highlight an interesting working paper titled “Absolute Strength: Exploring Momentum in Stock Returns” by Gulen and Petkova (2015). The abstract is the following: We document a new pattern in stock returns that we call absolute strength momentum. Stocks that have significantly increased
- 9 years ago, 13 Oct 2015, 12:15pm -
Value Investing: The Pain Train has Arrived and it Sucks [Alpha Architect]
A few months ago we highlighted a surprising result: cheap high-quality stocks were getting crushed by expensive junk stocks. The spread at the end of June was around 18%. Here is the chart from the old post (details on construction are in the original post): cheap hiqh quality versus expensive low
- 9 years ago, 13 Oct 2015, 03:39am -
Daily Academic Alpha: Momentum Investing and Asset Allocation [Alpha Architect]
The results in this paper won’t surprise most who are regular readers, but the paper below does a nice job explaining things in a simple way. For more advanced asset allocation methods that use momentum one can check out past blogs on the subject here, here , and here. Momentum Investing &
- 9 years ago, 12 Oct 2015, 11:24am -
How Do Dividend Paying Stocks Affect the Value Investing Anomaly? [Alpha Architect]
Meb Faber tweeted an interesting question related to taxes, dividend payers, and the value premium the other day. I’ll summarize the heart of the question: How do dividend payers affect the value premium? Instead of pontificating on the issue, we decided to directly address the question via
- 9 years ago, 5 Oct 2015, 09:40pm -
Combining volatility, momentum, and trend in asset allocation [Alpha Architect]
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) has been widely called into question in the investment literature, through two main anomalies: timing and low-volatility anomalies. In this paper, we aim to combine the predictive power of timing and low-volatility strategies to deliver better risk-adjusted
- 9 years ago, 29 Sep 2015, 01:38pm -
Value and Momentum in Sports Betting [Alpha Architect]
As noted through our previous posts, we are big proponents of Value investing and Momentum investing strategies. We even highlight the best way to combine value and momentum. However, there is a new paper by Toby Moskowitz titled “Asset Pricing and Sports Betting” which examines how size, value
- 9 years ago, 28 Sep 2015, 09:30pm -
The Active Share Debate: AQR versus the Academics [Alpha Architect]
There is an interesting discussion in the geeky world of academic finance literature between the intellectual muscle at AQR and academia. aqr versus the academics on active share The discussion revolves around the following question: “Does Active Share matter?” This is an important topic for
- 9 years ago, 21 Sep 2015, 10:25am -
Can Investors Achieve Commodity Exposure via Equities? [Alpha Architect]
This past year we examined the possibility of replicating commodity exposure via equities. The project was spurred by an insightful research report from MSCI, which showed some impressive results. Other research outfits have proposed similar concepts. The figure below, taken from the MSCI report,
- 9 years ago, 18 Sep 2015, 06:57am -
Corporate Sport Sponsorship and Stock Returns [Alpha Architect]
The NFL is back!!! Unfortunately, the Eagles may need a new kicker…and now we have to listen to Wes talk trash about the Cowboys victory around the office. Tragic! In the spirit of the new NFL season, I figured it was a good time to highlight a newer paper titled “Corporate Sport Sponsorship and
- 9 years ago, 16 Sep 2015, 08:31pm -
Factor Models Can Only Tell You So Much [Alpha Architect]
Factor analysis has taken the professional consultant world by storm and we are slowly seeing this analysis being used more and more by sophisticated retail investors and investment advisors. And that’s great–factor analysis is a great tool. In fact, we discuss the use of the tool and how it is
- 9 years ago, 11 Sep 2015, 11:07am -
Daily Academic Alpha: Pension Fund Returns and High Fees [Alpha Architect]
Nobody can deny a simple empirical fact: higher fees are associated with lower returns, on average (Here is a great paper by Ken French on the costs of active investing). This finding, logically, leads investors to focus on low-cost solutions as opposed to high-cost solutions, all else equal. But do
- 9 years ago, 10 Sep 2015, 11:03am -
Daily Academic Alpha: Misreaction to News Releases [Alpha Architect]
Using a large dataset of news releases, we study instances of investors’ mistaken reaction, or misreaction, to news. We define misreaction as stock prices moving in the direction opposite to the news when it is released. We find that news tone predicts returns in the cross-section only upon the
- 9 years ago, 9 Sep 2015, 10:33am -
New Book Relased: DIY Financial Advisor @ $14.99 [Alpha Architect]
We are happy to announce that our second book, DIY Financial Advisor, is finally available. For a limited time (and while supplies last) we are selling the book direct for $14.99! To get this deal you need to buy from the link below the main Amazon link. The first part of the book is dedicated to
- 9 years ago, 1 Sep 2015, 01:05pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Fed Forecasts-Folly or Fact? [Alpha Architect]
Macroeconomic forecasting is incredibly difficult. The results from this paper suggest that the brainpower of the Fed’s 100 person economics team can predict 3 to 6 months out with a reasonable degree of success, but beyond that time horizon (e.g., 1-year), basic forecasting models perform just as
- 9 years ago, 31 Aug 2015, 12:44pm -
Visualizing Stock Market Risk: 7/1926 to 6/2015 [Alpha Architect]
How crazy is current market action? Not that crazy. …and if you lived through 2008, definitely not that crazy. Seeing a -3%+ or a +3% observation is roughly a 1/100 event, or ~ 2.5 times a year. Obviously, return events are not independent and volatility tends to cluster, but the numbers above
- 9 years ago, 28 Aug 2015, 12:27pm -
Combining Value and Momentum in Stock Selection and Market Timing [Alpha Architect]
Recently, we wrote two posts about how to combine Value and Momentum for stock selection purposes (Part 1 and Part 2). We followed this piece with a post on combining value and momentum for market timing purposes. In this post, we review the use of combined Value and Momentum for both stock
- 9 years ago, 25 Aug 2015, 12:01pm -
Avoid Buying Put Insurance When You are Most Afraid [Alpha Architect]
A timely piece on S&P 500 put option prices. The authors find that S&P 500 put options get too expensive during wild times because of 2 effects: Demand for insurance sky rockets (investor utility demands safety) Supply for insurance becomes restricted (credit constraints cripple market
- 9 years ago, 24 Aug 2015, 12:32pm -