Quant Mashup - Alpha Architect
Market Efficiency Hates Bad Weather [Alpha Architect]
Building on research in psychology, we predict that unpleasant weather negatively affects capital market participants’ moods and activity levels, causing a muted response to information events… The table below highlights that unpleasant weather seems to be correlated with slower market
- 9 years ago, 21 Aug 2015, 10:33am -
Crisis Alpha: Surprising Ways to Hedge Stock Portfolio Risk [Alpha Architect]
Investing in the current environment is difficult. Most, if not all, asset classes have high nominal prices, suggesting low nominal expected returns. Not exactly exciting. And for many investors who are retired and/or have near-term liquidity needs, investing in equity exposures–while necessary to
- 9 years ago, 19 Aug 2015, 09:22pm -
The Sustainable Active Investing Framework: Simple, But Not Easy [Alpha Architect]
The debate over passive versus active investing is akin to Eagles vs. Cowboys or Coke vs. Pepsi. In short, once our preference for one style over the other is established, it becomes a proven fact or incontrovertible reality in our minds. This post is not meant to convert a passive investor into an
- 9 years ago, 17 Aug 2015, 12:26pm -
Avoiding the Big Drawdown: Is Downside Protection Helpful or Heresy? [Alpha Architect]
Having your cake and eating it too is a great way to go. It’s great to have the cake, and it’s also great to eat the cake. But you can’t have it both ways. This trend continues when we speak with fellow investors: “Give me high, after-tax, net of fee returns, but with limited risk and
- 9 years ago, 13 Aug 2015, 10:39pm -
Private Equity Replication with Leveraged Small-Cap Value Stocks [Alpha Architect]
Of the major asset classes, private equity has recently had the best absolute returns. According to Cambridge Associates, the 25-year return on private equity was 13.5%, relative to 9.75% for the Russell 2000. Academic studies, surveyed recently by Steven Kaplan and Berk Sensoy, have consistently
- 9 years ago, 6 Aug 2015, 06:56pm -
Expensive Junk Stocks are Killing High-Quality Value Stocks, YTD [Alpha Architect]
In general, investors focused on affordable stocks with strong fundamentals have been taken to the cleaners year-to-date. Meanwhile, expensive stocks with poor fundamentals have been rocking! Some Basic Statistics: Below we document some core performance figures using Ken French’s data on
- 9 years ago, 4 Aug 2015, 08:58pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Warren Buffett Market Predictions [Alpha Architect]
Last week we had a fairly long post on a valuation based asset allocation strategy that might actually work. This post followed a couple of other research projects on the issue, which showed limited evidence for simple valuation-based timing strategies. Now there is a new paper on Warren Buffett’s
- 9 years ago, 3 Aug 2015, 12:45pm -
Betting Against Days to Cover [Alpha Architect]
Abstract: The short ratio — shares shorted to shares outstanding — is an oft-used measure of arbitrageurs’ opinion about a stock’s over-valuation. We show that days-to-cover (DTC), which divides a stock’s short ratio by its average daily share turnover, is a more theoretically
- 9 years ago, 30 Jul 2015, 11:06pm -
Algorithm Aversion - Why people don't follow the model! [Alpha Architect]
There are many studies showing that models beat experts, including the meta-study “Clinical versus mechanical prediction: A meta-analysis” by Grove et al. (2000). However, given this knowledge that models beat experts, forecasters still prefer to use the human (expert) prediction as opposed to
- 9 years ago, 29 Jul 2015, 11:03pm -
One way to beat the market? Be different! [Alpha Architect]
This study was inspired by Ben Carlson’s blog post a few months ago. Ben highlights Robert Hagstrom’s book “The Warren Buffett Portfolio.” The high level question is the following: How can one beat the market? Answer: To beat the market, you have to be different than the market. One simple
- 9 years ago, 27 Jul 2015, 12:01pm -
P/E “Attention” Strategies Earn Monthly Excess Return of 1% [Alpha Architect]
Active investors with limited attention and capital constraints use fundamental metrics to screen and sort potential investments. Price-earnings (P/E) ratios are extremely popular, and are typically calculated using four trailing quarters of net income. Changes in the rankings of published P/E
- 9 years ago, 23 Jul 2015, 10:45pm -
Market timing with Value and Momentum [Alpha Architect]
Yesterday we wrote a post showing a potential way to time the market using valuation-based signals. In the past we have also examined how to use momentum-based signals (moving average rules and time-series momentum) to time the market. A natural question is what happens when we combine the
- 9 years ago, 22 Jul 2015, 11:12pm -
Eureka! A Valuation-Based Asset Allocation Strategy that Might Work [Alpha Architect]
We’ve had a few posts showing that asset allocation systems relying on market valuation indicators (e.g., Shiller CAPE ratios) as a timing signal may end up in disappointment… Can market Valuations Be Effective Market-Timing Signals? Dissecting Goldman’s 99 Percentile Market-Timing Signal
- 9 years ago, 21 Jul 2015, 09:24pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Why Women Should make MORE than Men... [Alpha Architect]
As the proud father of 3 kids (to include 2 daughters), this set of papers, while a bit off the wall, made me smile a bit. In short, there seems to be a negative relationship between women and lawsuits–the more women surround an organization, the less legal trouble the organization faces. It would
- 9 years ago, 17 Jul 2015, 11:03pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Fresh Evidence on the Fama French 5-Factor Model [Alpha Architect]
The past few weeks we’ve highlighted a set of research papers that go back and forth on the validity of the Fama and French “5-factor model.” A sampling of the research: The Fama French 5-Factor Paper The Kewei, Xue, and Zhang (KXZ) 4-Factor Paper (critically assesses the FF 5-factor model)
- 9 years ago, 15 Jul 2015, 11:46am -
Daily Academic Alpha: Analyzing the Effects of Long-Term vs. Short-Term Investors [Alpha Architect]
Through the traditional lens of the efficient market hypothesis, market prices stick close to their fundamental values because professional investors with large amounts of capital counteract mispricings created by “dumb” or “retail” investors. For example, if Dan the DayTrader enters sell
- 9 years ago, 14 Jul 2015, 10:55am -
Our Free Tools Are Updated: Do-It-Yourself Investors Unite [Alpha Architect]
We’ve updated the technology behind our free tools for financial professionals. Unfortunately, this took a long time, but now that we’ve developed the framework, we’ll be able to launch new and better tools in the future. tools alpha The current core modules are the following: Allocation
- 9 years ago, 13 Jul 2015, 01:47pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: International 5-Factor Evidence from Fama and French [Alpha Architect]
About a month ago we posted on the robustness of the Novy-Marx profitability factor, which is embedded in the Fama-French 5-factor. We also highlighted potential weaknesses in the 5-factor model across international markets. Fama and French have responded with their own analysis on the 5-factor
- 9 years ago, 13 Jul 2015, 12:54pm -
Value Investing Research: O-Score and Distress Risk [Alpha Architect]
Book-to-Market Equity, Distress Risk, and Stock Returns, by Griffin and Lemmon (2002 Journal of Finance) investigate the relationship between value premiums and distress risk. There are two schools of thought on the value premium, or the large spread in realized returns between cheap stocks and
- 9 years ago, 7 Jul 2015, 11:11am -
The First Academic Paper with a Shotgun Picture in it [Alpha Architect]
Here is one of the figures in a Journal of Finance paper published in 2013 by N. Garleanu and L Pedersen. The figure depicts various portfolio optimizations under different assumptions and then has a visualization equivalent with hockey players, skeet shooters, and missile systems. I’m not sure
- 9 years ago, 2 Jul 2015, 07:10pm -
Long/Short Hedge Fund Factors: Low-Cost Downside Protection? [Alpha Architect]
The holy grail of financial markets is finding strategies that have misaligned risk and reward characteristics. In the traditional view, investors try to do the following: Identify strategies that have high returns, then… find ways to get the exposure with the lowest risk possible. However, there
- 9 years ago, 1 Jul 2015, 07:34pm -
The Philosophy of Value Investing - Reject 'New Paradigm" Thinking [Alpha Architect]
Every few years, people start to question whether value investing is dead. A recent Google search along these lines generated 3.1 million results: 2015-06-15 10_49_59-the death of value investing - Google Search Likewise, people sometimes question whether the size effect is permanently going away.
- 9 years ago, 30 Jun 2015, 06:17pm -
How to Make Money in Markets: Understanding Expectation Errors [Alpha Architect]
A new working paper from Gennaili, Ma, and the one-the-only Andrei Shleifer. Expectations and Investment Using micro data from Duke University quarterly survey of Chief Financial Officers, we show that corporate investment plans as well as actual investment are well explained by CFOs’ expectations
- 9 years ago, 24 Jun 2015, 12:47pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Corporate Loan Momentum Alpha [Alpha Architect]
The Cross-Section of Expected Returns in the Secondary Corporate Loan Market We examine the pricing of characteristics and betas in the cross-section of expected corporate loan returns. Expected loan returns decrease with default beta. Default beta contains information not captured by rating or
- 9 years ago, 19 Jun 2015, 10:22am -
High Dividend Stocks and Value Investing [Alpha Architect]
Barron's recently ran an article (written by Research Affiliates), which is titled "Get Smart About Picking Dividend-Rich Stocks." The article highlights that high-quality high-dividend-paying stocks outperform low-quality high-dividend-paying stocks. The quality of the firm is
- 9 years ago, 18 Jun 2015, 05:54pm -
Using Profitability as a Factor? Perhaps You Should Think Twice... [Alpha Architect]
Many investors are getting excited about the so-called “profitability factor,” originally posed by Novy-Marx (here is an alternative story) . Larry Swedroe has a high-level piece advocating the concept here. The basic idea is simple: Other things being equal, firms with high gross profits
- 9 years ago, 10 Jun 2015, 01:08pm -
Quant Geek Weekend Homework: Academic Finance Research [Alpha Architect]
215 Years of Global Multi-Asset Momentum: 1800-2014 (Equities, Sectors, Currencies, Bonds, Commodities and Stocks) (Geczy and Samonov) The Effect of Past Performance Framing on Investors’ Belief Updating (Gerhard, Hoffmann and Post) Mutual Fund Investors Seem to Be Chasing Overpriced Funds?
- 9 years ago, 5 Jun 2015, 06:19pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Facts and Fantasies in Commodities [Alpha Architect]
Facts and Fantasies About Commodity Futures Ten Years Later Gorton and Rouwenhorst (2006) examined commodity futures returns over the period July 1959 to December 2004 based on an equally-weighted index. They found that fully collateralized commodity futures had historically offered the same return
- 9 years ago, 4 Jun 2015, 01:04pm -
Did Ben Graham Value Investing Work in the Recent Bull Market? [Alpha Architect]
Forbes outlines one of Ben Graham’s basic value investment strategies and analyzes how it has performed from 1949 through 2012. Even with all of the fiscal cliff and European debt drama in 2012, the Graham-based portfolio has had a particularly good year. While the S&P 500 has notched a solid
- 9 years ago, 2 Jun 2015, 02:11pm -
Basic Factor Analysis: Simple Tools to Understand What Drives Performance [Alpha Architect]
Investors should know what they are buying and why they are buying it. Unfortunately, more often than not, investment products are jammed down the throats of unsuspecting victims who are either ignorant, easy to influence, and/or don’t really care. We highlighted an extreme example of this in the
- 9 years ago, 28 May 2015, 12:48pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: High Lobby Efforts Equal Alpha? [Alpha Architect]
Corporate Lobbying and Firm Performance Corporate lobbying activities are designed to influence legislators, regulators and courts, presumably to encourage favorable policies and/or outcomes. In dollar terms, corporate lobbying expenditures are typically one or even two orders of magnitude larger
- 9 years ago, 26 May 2015, 01:07pm -
The Risks of Owning an Individual Stock [Alpha Architect]
How risky is it to buy an individual stock? This is a question investors should ask themselves when deciding to buy a single stock. However, many investors tend to get caught up in the story about why company XYZ is going to double over the next year. As an educated investor, it makes sense to know
- 9 years ago, 21 May 2015, 02:07pm -
Tactical Asset Allocation: Beware of Geeks Bearing Formulas [Alpha Architect]
How Should I Tactically Allocate my Assets? A lot of investors ask this question as their wealth grows and the number of financial products grows exponentially. In order to generate a response, investors pay money to professional finance geeks who often present complex formulas as a solution to the
- 9 years ago, 19 May 2015, 01:00pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Which Trend is Your Friend? [Alpha Architect]
Which Trend Is Your Friend? Managed-futures funds (sometimes called CTAs) trade predominantly on trends. There are several ways of identifying trends, either using heuristics or statistical measures often called "filters." Two important statistical measures of price trends are time series
- 9 years ago, 19 May 2015, 12:18pm -
What Drives the S&P 500 Equal-Weight Return Premium? [Alpha Architect]
A recent academic paper, Equal or Value Weighting? Implications for Asset-Pricing Tests, highlights two methods of weighting: Equal-weight and Value weight. As the paper states: With monthly rebalancing, an equal-weighted portfolio outperforms a value-weighted portfolio in terms of total mean
- 9 years ago, 18 May 2015, 02:34pm -
Quant Geek Weekend Homework: Academic Finance Research [Alpha Architect]
Post-discovery Performance: Will Anomalies Fade Away After Discovery? (Qu, Lu, Sun and Yan) The Search for Crisis Alpha: Weathering the Storm Using Relative Momentum (Newfound Research) Are Your Backtest Results fooling you? Try Monte Carlo Analysis (Better System trader) Buffett’s Alpha
- 9 years ago, 16 May 2015, 01:31pm -
Currency Investing Research: Good Carry, Bad Carry [Alpha Architect]
Abstract: We distinguish between “good” and “bad” carry trades constructed from G-10 currencies. The good trades exhibit higher Sharpe ratios and slightly negative or even positive skewness, in contrast to the bad trades that have both substantially lower Sharpe ratios and skewness.
- 9 years ago, 13 May 2015, 01:43pm -
Momentum Investing: Skewness-enhanced Momentum Yields Double Alpha [Alpha Architect]
Jacobs, Regele and Weber A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? Check out our Academic Research Recap Category. Abstract: Motivated by the time-series insights of Daniel and Moskowitz (2014), we investigate the link between expected skewness and
- 9 years ago, 11 May 2015, 05:02pm -
Quant Geek Weekend Homework: Academic Finance Research [Alpha Architect]
The Five-Factor Fama-French Model: International Evidence (Nusret Cakici) Doubt on Five-Factor Fama-French Model: Is it Just in Essence a Noise? (Hou, Xue and Zhang) Stocks with Negative Analyst Forecast Skewness tend to be undervalued? (Cai Zhu) Covering-Up When the Tide Goes Out? Momentum
- 9 years ago, 9 May 2015, 02:15pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Dude, Where's my Alpha? [Alpha Architect]
Seeking Alpha? It’s a Bad Guideline for Portfolio Optimization Alpha is the most popular measure for evaluating the performance of both individual assets and funds. The alpha of an asset with respect to a given benchmark portfolio measures the change in the portfolio’s Sharpe ratio driven by a
- 9 years ago, 8 May 2015, 12:42pm -
Combining Value Investing and Momentum Investing (Part 2) [Alpha Architect]
A few weeks ago I wrote an article talking about ways to combine value investing and momentum investing. The high level takeaway from that article was to keep value and momentum as separate exposures. This conclusion was based on ranking firms on their combined value and momentum rankings, which can
- 9 years ago, 7 May 2015, 12:10pm -
Value Investing Research: Simple Methods to Improve the Piotroski F-Score [Alpha Architect]
In this article, we identify how we can improve the performance of the F-Score and enhance a generic value investing approach. In a 2000 study, "Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers" (Journal of Accounting Research, 2000),
- 9 years ago, 5 May 2015, 01:08pm -
Daily Academic Alpha: Credit Spreads and Stock Returns [Alpha Architect]
The Term Structure of Credit Spreads and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns We explore the link between credit and equity markets by considering the informational content of the term structure of credit spreads. A shallower credit term structure predicts decreases in default risk, increases in
- 9 years ago, 5 May 2015, 12:27pm -
A Unique Insider Trading Signal that Generates Alpha [Alpha Architect]
We analyze the information content of corporate insiders’ trades after accounting for certain trading patterns. Insiders spread their trades over longer periods of time when they have a longer-lived informational advantage and when outside investors are less attentive. In contrast, they make
- 9 years ago, 4 May 2015, 02:45pm -
Recently Discovered Academic Finance Research You Might Have Missed [Alpha Architect]
Deactivating Active Shares (Frazzini, Friedman and Pomorski) Is Being Different Better? Dispersion and Active Management (The Investor’s Field Guide) 9 Mistakes Quants Make that Cause Backtests to Lie (The Augmented Trader) Sell in May and Go Away: Still Good Advice for Investor? (Dichtl and
- 9 years ago, 3 May 2015, 01:51am -
Is Passive Perfect? High Active Share Long-Term Investing Works Better [Alpha Architect]
Cremers and Pareek A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? Check out our Academic Research Recap Category. Abstract: This paper documents that among high Active Share portfolios - whose holdings differ substantially from the holdings of their benchmark
- 9 years ago, 30 Apr 2015, 02:59pm -
Traders, Guns, and Money [Alpha Architect]
Gopal and Greenwood A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? Check out our Academic Research Recap Category. Abstract: In this work, we investigate how mass shootings influence the stock price of firearms manufacturers. While significant anecdotal
- 9 years ago, 29 Apr 2015, 04:05pm -
How Smart are "Smart Beta" ETFs? [Alpha Architect]
Many consider smart beta to be a revolution in the asset management industry. For example, Bloomberg ran an article, “Funds Run by Robots Now Accounts for $400 Billion,” which caught our attention. According to this article, “Smart beta,” is one of the fastest growing segments of ETFs,
- 9 years ago, 28 Apr 2015, 08:15pm -
International Value Investing: Looks Like a Reasonable Bet [Alpha Architect]
A rich body of literature has shown that value investing, or buying stocks that are “cheap” based on a variety of valuation metrics, is robust across different markets. For example, Fama and French (1998) highlighted the value premium across world equity markets. The authors find that value
- 9 years ago, 27 Apr 2015, 01:58pm -
Academic Finance Research [Alpha Architect]
Asset Allocation: Is it better to allocate portfolios to factors rather than to assets? (Cocoma, Czasonis, and etal) Tactical Asset Allocation with Market Valuations: Can’t even beat the simple 60/40 rule?? (Estrada) More on ‘Smart Beta” ETFs: How Smart are ‘Smart Beta’ ETFs? Analysis of
- 9 years ago, 26 Apr 2015, 03:56pm -