Quant Mashup - Propfolio Management
Beat the Market with Meucci and Markowitz [Propfolio Management]
I am very excited to finally share some of my research exploring Meucci’s (Meucci (2005)) portfolio optimization methods, and how the resulting portfolios compare to the use of historical data. For those unfamiliar with Attilio Meucci, he runs an annual Advanced Risk and Portfolio Managment
- 8 years ago, 6 Jan 2017, 02:41am -
Replicating CRSP Volatility Decile Portfolios in R [Propfolio Management]
In this post, I provide R code that enables the replication of the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) Volatiliy Deciles using Yahoo! Finance data. This post is related to my last blog post in that it will generate the CRSP low volatility decile portfolio, thereby facilitating the
- 8 years ago, 7 Dec 2016, 06:39pm -
An EMA Trading Strategy for a Low Volatility Portfolio [Propfolio Management]
The process I’m going to follow is based on content from the University of Washington’s CFRM561 course Advanced Trading System Design. “Hypothesis driven development” is the core principle of this course, where each step in the development process involves hypothesizing testable ideas, and
- 8 years ago, 22 Nov 2016, 12:16pm -