Quant Mashup - Allocate Smartly
Tactical Asset Allocation in March [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 7 years ago, 1 Apr 2017, 10:26am -
TAA Strategy Combining Risk Parity & Trend Following [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of a tactical asset allocation strategy from the excellent paper: The Trend is Our Friend: Risk Parity, Momentum and Trend Following in Global Asset Allocation (1). The strategy combines two important tools: trend-following (to determine what assets to hold) and risk parity (to
- 7 years ago, 15 Mar 2017, 03:04pm -
Tactical Asset Allocation in February [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 7 years ago, 1 Mar 2017, 09:28am -
New Feature: Historical Allocation Analysis [Allocate Smartly]
We’ve added a major new feature to our members area: historical allocation analysis. Every strategy that we track now includes a brand new subpage, which is updated daily and devoted to helping members better understand how each asset class has contributed to the strategy’s performance. In this
- 7 years ago, 21 Feb 2017, 12:02pm -
Why TAA Has Been So Successful in Crises [Allocate Smartly]
Most Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategies have followed the same basic storyline. They keep pace with the market during the good times (like we find ourselves in right now), and shine during the bad times. To illustrate, the graphs below shows the average return of all of the TAA models that
- 7 years ago, 9 Feb 2017, 08:34am -
Tactical Asset Allocation in January [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the January performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 7 years ago, 1 Feb 2017, 11:20am -
Keuning & Keller's Generalized Protective Momentum [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of the Generalized Protective Momentum (GPM) strategy from JW Keuning and Wouter Keller. The strategy builds off of the authors’ popular Protective Asset Allocation (PAA) model that we discussed last month. Results for the GPM strategy from 1989, net of transaction costs, follow.
- 8 years ago, 25 Jan 2017, 10:22am -
Paul Novell's Tactical Bond Strategy [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of a tactical bond strategy from Paul Novell of Investing for a Living. The model rotates among a broad basket of bond asset classes based on rules similar to Gary Antonacci’s Dual Momentum. Results from 1970, net of fees, follow. Read more about our backtests or let AllocateSmartly
- 8 years ago, 17 Jan 2017, 10:39am -
Tactical Asset Allocation in December [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 8 years ago, 3 Jan 2017, 08:04am -
PortfolioCharts' Golden Butterfly [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of the “Golden Butterfly”, the homegrown buy & hold strategy from PortfolioCharts.com. PortfolioCharts is to buy & hold what AllocateSmartly is to tactical asset allocation, an independent and unbiased catalog of strategy performance, so when they put their stamp of
- 8 years ago, 30 Dec 2016, 09:36am -
Protective Asset Allocation [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of two variations of the Protective Asset Allocation (PAA) strategy from Wouter Keller and JW Keuning’s paper: PAA: A Simple Momentum-based Alternative to Term Deposits. The strategy is notable for its aggressive use of a “crash protection” asset that has resulted in extremely
- 8 years ago, 19 Dec 2016, 08:17am -
TAA Exposure to Rising Interest Rates [Allocate Smartly]
Some of the tactical asset allocation strategies that we track have significant exposure to rising interest rates, or more specifically, to the types of assets that are most negatively affected by rising rates. While we don’t (yet) track every published TAA model, the strategies that we do track
- 8 years ago, 14 Dec 2016, 09:03am -
Testing Popular Portfolio Optimization Techniques [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of a number of popular approaches to portfolio optimization. Each seeks to answer the question: given a universe of assets, how much should we allocate to each? We’ve intentionally made these tests as simple and fair (read: unoptimized) as possible in order to best represent each
- 8 years ago, 6 Dec 2016, 09:23pm -
Tactical Asset Allocation in November [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 8 years ago, 1 Dec 2016, 10:14pm -
Antonacci's Composite Dual Momentum [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of Gary Antonacci’s “Composite Dual Momentum” strategy from his seminal paper: Risk Premia Harvesting Through Dual Momentum. The model uses Antonacci’s unique approach to measuring momentum, which considers both absolute (aka time-series) and relative (aka cross-sectional)
- 8 years ago, 4 Nov 2016, 01:56am -
Tactical Asset Allocation in October [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don’t (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 8 years ago, 1 Nov 2016, 03:20am -
Stoken's Active Combined Asset Strategy [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of Dick Stoken’s Active Combined Asset (ACA) strategy from his book Survival of the Fittest for Investors. This tactical asset allocation strategy uses price channel breakouts to choose between pairs of opposing risk and defensive asset classes. Results from 1988, net of transaction
- 8 years ago, 20 Oct 2016, 02:16am -
Aggressive Global Tactical Asset Allocation [Allocate Smartly]
A number of readers have asked us to test the two aggressive versions of Meb Faber’s GTAA strategy from his seminal paper: A Quantitative Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation. I can’t understate the importance that Faber’s work has had in popularizing the idea of TAA with the general
- 8 years ago, 6 Oct 2016, 03:36pm -
The Perils of Backtesting with Unrealistic Data [Allocate Smartly]
As readers hear us repeat often, our results tend to be less optimistic than you’ll find elsewhere. We do our best to show backtested results that are as realistic as possible (even though showing results that are as good as possible would probably be better for business). That’s partially a
- 8 years ago, 3 Oct 2016, 05:05pm -
Tactical Asset Allocation in September [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent tactical asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. While we don't (yet) include every published TAA model, these strategies are broadly representative of the
- 8 years ago, 2 Oct 2016, 05:14pm -
Alternate Trading Days: An Important Analytical Tool [Allocate Smartly]
Many of the tactical asset allocation strategies that we track are designed to only trade at the end of the month. When tracking these strategies for members however, we show the results of trading on other days of the month as well. We don’t do this to show off our backtesting prowess; it’s an
- 8 years ago, 26 Sep 2016, 12:22pm -
Adam Butler of @GestaltU: Adaptive Asset Allocation [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of a tactical asset allocation strategy from Adam Butler and the excellent team at GestaltU, as described in the paper: Adaptive Asset Allocation: A Primer. The model combines momentum with a minimum variance portfolio to trade a diverse array of global asset classes. The paper is a
- 8 years ago, 21 Sep 2016, 10:01am -
Average TAA Allocation by Month [Allocate Smartly]
We delayed adding the latest strategy to our site (GestaltU’s Adaptive Asset Allocation) for a week due to technical hurdles running the minimum variance component of the strategy in near real-time for members. Historical results on GestaltU’s strategy are exceptional though, and we plan to have
- 8 years ago, 16 Sep 2016, 03:33pm -
David Varadi's Percentile Channels [Allocate Smartly]
This is a test of a tactical asset allocation strategy from David Varadi of CSS Analytics. I’ve been a long-time fan of David’s work. David always devises unique approaches to trading, swimming just outside the mainstream. This strategy is a good example of that. The strategy is notable for its
- 8 years ago, 9 Sep 2016, 10:48am -
Tactical Asset Allocation Performance in August [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. They range from simple, static portfolio allocations, to complex and dynamic portfolio optimization. Read more about our
- 8 years ago, 1 Sep 2016, 09:45am -
Tactical Asset Allocation Performance in July [Allocate Smartly]
This is a summary of the recent performance of a number of excellent asset allocation strategies. These strategies are sourced from books, academic papers, and other publications. They range from simple, static portfolio allocations, to complex and dynamic portfolio optimization. AllocateSmartly is
- 8 years ago, 24 Aug 2016, 10:07am -