Quant Mashup
Measuring Stock Market Sentiment With the Index Put/Call Ratio [Trader Feed]
The recent post took a look at the Equity Put/Call Ratio (the ratio of put volume to call volume for all listed options of individual stocks across all exchanges) and what it tells us about the market. Above we see a five-day moving average of the Index Put/Call Ratio (the ratio of put volume to
- 9 years ago, 5 Mar 2015, 10:15am -
RAA Follow-Up [Scott's Investments]
Last week I announced the Robust Asset Allocation, or RAA, portfolio tracker which is inspired by Alpha Architect, The original article cited by Alpha Architect used 7-10 Treasury Bonds for the bond holding. I chose a broad-based bond bond (BND) in lieu of a 7-10 year treasury ETF like the iShares
- 9 years ago, 5 Mar 2015, 10:15am -
RUT Iron Condor - Dynamic Exit - 38 DTE Results Summary [DTR Trading]
Over the last eight posts we reviewed the backtest results for Iron Condors initiated at 38 days to expiration (DTE) on the Russell 2000 index (RUT). To be consistent with all of the earlier bactests posted on this blog, we looked at 38 DTE Iron Condors initiated with short strikes at four different
- 9 years ago, 5 Mar 2015, 10:15am -
Nights After 2 Unfilled Gaps Down [Overnight Edges]
The market is off to a rough start again today. ES has the potential to leave an unfilled gap down for the 2nd day in a row. This is a fairly rare thing to see happen, but is has often been followed by a gap up the next morning. This can be seen in the study below. 2015-03-04 image2 The stats here
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 10:12pm -
Timing Value and Momentum with Valuation-Spreads [Alpha Architect]
We were recently passed along an article suggesting that valuation spreads, or the spread in a valuation metric across the most expensive and least expensive stocks, matters for timing investments. We take this concept one step further and investigate if valuation spreads can help us time value and
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 10:12pm -
Stock market visualization: Minimum Spanning Trees [MKTSTK]
One of the most useful ways to visualize the stock market is with Minimum Spanning Trees (MST). These are network graphs in which each vertex represents a stock symbol and where strongly related stocks are connected by edges. One popular way to do this is by using correlation matrices. In the past,
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 10:12pm -
Why Value Investing is Simple, But Not Easy: IB Webinar [Alpha Architect]
The market is off to a rough start again today. ES has the potential to leave an unfilled gap down for the 2nd day in a row. This is a fairly rare thing to see happen, but is has often been followed by a gap up the next morning. This can be seen in the study below. 2015-03-04 image2 The stats here
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 10:12pm -
Developing Leveraged ETF Strategies [Alvarez Quant Trading]
How should one develop a strategy for leveraged ETFs? Do you develop the strategy on the unleveraged ETF and then apply the rules to the leveraged ETF? Or do you develop the strategy on the leveraged ETF directly? Or do you develop the strategy on the unleveraged ETF then use signals on that to
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 11:38am -
State of Trend Following in February: A Breather [Wisdom Trading]
Trend following’s performance accelerated over the last few months, with some markets showing some possible over-extension in their trends. It’s not such a surprise to see some pull-backs finally taking place. This has naturally taken the index down, mostly giving back some of the large open
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 10:01am -
What Follows Relatively Large Drops From New Highs [Quantifiable Edges]
Tuesday saw the 1st somewhat sizable drop for the market in a while. And the action triggered the study below, which looks at relatively large drops from intermediate-term highs. I have updated all the stats.
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 09:13am -
We’re All Backtesters Now [Capital Spectator]
A recent paper (“Evaluating Trading Strategies”) on the hazards of backtesting in The Journal of Portfolio Management has been receiving a fair amount of attention lately, inspiring some folks to go off the deep end and argue that econometric analysis of investment strategies is always a bad
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 08:47am -
Understanding Options-Based Sentiment in the Stock Market [Trader Feed]
I'm currently working on creating better indicators of stock market sentiment. Above is a five-day moving average of the equity put/call ratio: the ratio of put volume traded for all listed individual stocks divided by their call volume (no index volume included; raw data from e-Signal). You
- 9 years ago, 4 Mar 2015, 08:47am -
Are you fishing in a pond that is just too small? Global value investing proven [Qaunt Investing]
Do you only invest in the in the country where you live? If you do it’s a big mistake as it severely limits your investment opportunities and returns. You are fishing in a pond that is just too small. Don’t take my word for it But don’t take my word for it as I found an interesting
- 9 years ago, 3 Mar 2015, 09:37pm -
Google Summer of Code 2015 [FOSS Trading]
The R Project has once again been selected as a mentoring organization for this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC). If you're not familiar with GSoC, it's a global program that offers students a stipend to write code for open source projects, under the direction of a mentor. Mentors
- 9 years ago, 3 Mar 2015, 09:37pm -
RUT Iron Condor - Dynamic Exit - 38 DTE - 20 Delta Continued [DTR Trading]
This post is a continuation of the prior post. In this post we will look at the backtest results for dynamic exits of 38 days-to-expiration (DTE) Iron Condors (IC), with 20 delta short strikes, with different profit and loss exits as a percentage of the initial credit. Recall that these RUT ICs were
- 9 years ago, 3 Mar 2015, 09:37pm -
Chapter 1 – A History of Stocks, Bonds, and Bills [Meb Faber]
This excerpt is from the book Global Asset Allocation now available on Amazon as an eBook. If you promise to write a review, go here and I’ll send you a free copy. It is also available as a printable PDF on Gumroad. To celebrate the launch of the new book, my last two ebooks (Global Value and
- 9 years ago, 2 Mar 2015, 10:07pm -
SIC lookup by stock symbol [MKTSTK]
We wanted a quick (and free) way to lookup the SIC code for a stock symbol in python. You can do this manually with the SEC’s EDGAR website, but if your list is 100’s of stock symbols this can get old pretty quickly. The following code makes use of Python’s BeautifulSoup package to extract the
- 9 years ago, 2 Mar 2015, 10:07pm -
Webinar and NYC Travel [Meb Faber]
I’ll be in NYC twice in March to speak at QuantCon on March 14th and the MTA Conference on March 27th. If you want to schedule a meeting let me know!
- 9 years ago, 2 Mar 2015, 10:06pm -
March performance following down January/up [Almanac Trader]
For the second year in a row, the S&P 500 has started the year with a down January followed by an up February. In the following table, the past 13 times appear in chronological order. 2015 is the first pre-election year that opened with this combo. Bold-italic years are years that started with a
- 9 years ago, 2 Mar 2015, 10:06pm -
Experiments in Time Series Clustering [Timely Portfolio]
Last night I spotted this tweet about the R package TSclust. I should start by saying that I really don’t know what I’m doing, so be warned. I thought it would interesting to apply TSclust to the S&P 500 price time series. I took the 1-day simple rate of change, grouped by year with dplyr,
- 9 years ago, 2 Mar 2015, 11:10am -
Particle Swarm Optimisation, Part 2 [Dekalog Blog]
Following on from my last post, here is an Octave .oct file implementation of the one dimensional Particle swarm optimisation routine, with one slight twist: instead of using a for loop I've implemented it within a while loop with a stopping condition that the algorithm should cease once there
- 9 years ago, 1 Mar 2015, 09:38pm -
RUT Iron Condor - Dynamic Exit - 38 DTE - 20 Delta [DTR Trading]
In this post we will look at the backtest results for dynamic exits of 38 days-to-expiration (DTE) Iron Condors (IC), with 20 delta short strikes, with different profit and loss exits. This is a non-directional options trading strategy that seeks to profit from a market that stays within in a range
- 9 years ago, 1 Mar 2015, 09:37pm -
Successful Statistical Arbitrage [Jonathan Kinlay]
I tend not to get involved in Q&A with readers of my blog, or with investors. I am at a point in my life where I spend my time mostly doing what I want to do, rather than what other people would like me to do. And since I enjoy doing research and trading, I try to maximize the amount of time I
- 9 years ago, 1 Mar 2015, 06:19am -
Ivy Portfolio March Update [Scott's Investments]
Scott’s Investments provides a daily Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet to track the 10 month moving average signals for two portfolios listed in Mebane Faber’s book The Ivy Portfolio: How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets. Faber discusses 5, 10, and 20 security portfolios that
- 9 years ago, 1 Mar 2015, 04:03am -
Commitments of Traders (COT) strategy on soybean futures [EP Chan]
In our drive to extract alphas from a variety of non-price data, we came across this old-fashioned source: Commitments of Traders (COT) on futures. This indicator is well-known to futures traders since 1923 (see www.cmegroup.com/education/files/COT_FBD_Update_2012-4-26.pdf), but there are often
- 9 years ago, 28 Feb 2015, 07:36am -
Academic research links: social data and financial markets [MKTSTK]
Web Search Queries Can Predict Stock Market Volumes …A recent important discovery is that search engine traffic (i.e., the number of requests submitted by users to search engines on the [Internet]) can be used to track and, in some cases, to anticipate the dynamics of social phenomena. Successful
- 9 years ago, 28 Feb 2015, 02:11am -
Quant Geek Weekend Finance Homework [Alpha Architect]
What is Social Data? (MKTSTK) A Model of Cognitive Dissonance and Information (Matthew Kovach) Insider Trading in Commodities Markets (Andrew Verstein) New Asset Pricing Factors and Expected Bond Returns (Franke, Muller and Muller)
- 9 years ago, 28 Feb 2015, 02:11am -
New Book from MKTSTK: Intro to Social Data for Traders [Amazon]
This book is intended for traders and investors that want to gain an edge on the competition by incorporating social media and search analytics into their study of the market. The book assumes you are new to data manipulation in Python, one of the most popular languages for data manipulation. Intro
- 9 years ago, 27 Feb 2015, 11:45am -
Dissecting Goldman's 99 percentile Market-Timing Signal [Alpha Architect]
Investors have been worrying, at least for the last several years, that the market is overvalued. By some measures this is undoubtedly true. Just yesterday we highlighted that the Shiller CAPE is in the 94th percentile as of 1/31/2015. And as valuations have gone higher, the alarm bells in the press
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 07:28pm -
The Downside of Rankings-Based Strategies [QuantStrat TradeR]
This post will demonstrate a downside to rankings-based strategies, particularly when using data of a questionable quality (which, unless one pays multiple thousands of dollars per month for data, most likely is of questionable quality). Essentially, by making one small change to the way the
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 07:28pm -
When CPI falls below zero $SPY [@NautilusCap]
When CPI falls below zero $SPY
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 07:27pm -
January Barometer revisited -- down Jans and up Febs [@NautilusCap]
January Barometer revisited -- down Jans and up Febs
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 07:27pm -
The MVCI (Whatever That Means) Indicator [Jay On The Markets]
Some people tell me that I have “too much time on my hands” because I spend so much time “crunching numbers.” I tell them “That’s ridiculous, I don’t have any time on my hands because I am so busy crunching numbers” (That usually shuts them up. At least for a little while). In any
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 10:34am -
RUT Iron Condor - Dynamic Exit - 38 DTE - 16 Delta Continued [DTR Trading]
This post is a continuation of the prior post. In this post we will look at the backtest results for dynamic exits of 38 days-to-expiration (DTE) Iron Condors (IC), with 16 delta short strikes, with different profit and loss exits as a percentage of the initial credit. Recall that these RUT ICs were
- 9 years ago, 26 Feb 2015, 10:34am -
Thinking in SIT, more examples [Systematic Investor]
To install Systematic Investor Toolbox (SIT) please visit About page. I previously presented a case study of Excel to SIT mapping in the Thinking in SIT post. I want to continue with another example based on following excellent tutorials: Backtesting A Basic ETF Rotation System in Excel Free
- 9 years ago, 25 Feb 2015, 08:29pm -
New Book from Meb Faber: Global Asset Allocation: A Survey of the World's Top Asset Allocation Strategies [Amazon]
With all of our focus on assets - and how much and when to allocate them - are we missing the bigger picture? Our book begins by reviewing the historical performance record of popular assets like stocks, bonds, and cash. We look at the impact inflation has on our money. We then start to examine how
- 9 years ago, 25 Feb 2015, 07:31pm -
Google Semantic Orientation [MKTSTK]
Suppose we have an unstructured block of text. We want to reduce the information contained within the raw words and phrases into a single score of whether it is positive or negative. For example, suppose we have a tweet and we want to determine whether it is bullish, bearish, or neutral. Semantic
- 9 years ago, 25 Feb 2015, 07:30pm -
The Bias-Variance Tradeoff in Statistical Machine Learning - The Regression Setting [Quant Start]
In this article I want to discuss one of the most important and tricky issues in machine learning, that of model selection and the bias-variance tradeoff. The latter is one of the most crucial issues in helping us achieve profitable trading strategies based on machine learning techniques. Model
- 9 years ago, 25 Feb 2015, 10:04am -
New Portfolio Tracker – Robust Asset Allocation [Scott's Investments]
One of the primary goals of Scott’s Investments is to educate individual investors by creating and tracking relevant investment strategies. Some of the strategies are my own, while others like the Ivy Portfolio are inspired by others. This week I added a new portfolio spreadsheet to my site, the
- 9 years ago, 25 Feb 2015, 03:22am -
What is social data? [MKTSTK]
In the lead up to the release of our first book, Intro to Social Data for Traders, we have been highlighting the ways that social data and stock prices are related. But what is social data, exactly? Social data is term which encompasses multiple sources of information such as search queries, social
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 07:15pm -
Top 5 Geeky, Yet Funny, Economic Paper Titles [Alpha Architect]
As many are aware, economists aren't the funniest group in the crowd. Here are some sample jokes from the funniest economists out there--Yoram Bauman. Here is a sample economist joke: When Yorum told his dad that he wanted to use his Ph.D. in economics as the basis for a comedy career, his dad
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 07:14pm -
Bullish price momentum globally [@NautilusCap]
Bullish price momentum globally
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 07:14pm -
RUT Iron Condor - Dynamic Exit - 38 DTE - 16 Delta [DTR Trading]
In this post we will look at the backtest results for dynamic exits of 38 days-to-expiration (DTE) Iron Condors (IC), with 16 delta short strikes, with different profit and loss exits. For some background on how these results are presented, please review the overview and prior 38 DTE posts at: RUT
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 07:14pm -
Bullish price momentum in broad US market [@NautilusCap]
Bullish price momentum in broad US market
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 07:13pm -
Do the Right Thing [Dual Momentum]
I used to always cut my round fruits and vegies in the wrong directions. I finally got around this problem by turning them in the opposite direction to the way I initially wanted to cut them. Similarly, many investors and investment managers are making investment decisions the wrong way and need to
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 11:08am -
A Comparison of Programming Languages [Jonathan Kinlay]
Towards the end of last year I wrote a post (see here) about the advent of modern programming languages, including the JIT compiled Julia and visual programming language ADL from Trading Technologies. My conclusion (based on a not very scientific sample) was that we appear to be at the tipping
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 11:08am -
Let’s Keep This Cornfidential [Jay On The Markets]
A short while back I wrote about the seasonal tendency for soybeans to advance in price between early February and mid-June. Well I hate to anger the commodity gods by something stupid like “So far, so good” but, well, oops, I just did. As you can see in Figure 1, well, so far so good (now
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 11:07am -
A Big Move Up Followed By Narrow Range on Light Volume [Quantifiable Edges]
I’ve been seeing mixed evidence over the last few days. In yesterday’s blog I showed a study that suggested short-term bullish inclinations. This morning’s study makes a case for the bears. It suggests that big intraday rallies like we saw on Friday that have been followed by tight
- 9 years ago, 24 Feb 2015, 09:21am -
Tomorrow: Don’t Miss Free Webinar “Portfolio Construction, Concentration, and Diversification for Value Investors” [Greenback
Tomorrow I’m hosting the live webinar “Portfolio Construction, Concentration, and Diversification for Value Investors.” There are only a few spots available in the room. The webinar will focus on portfolio construction and position sizing for value investors, including the philosophy of
- 9 years ago, 23 Feb 2015, 09:15pm -
The Logical-Invest “Universal Investment Strategy”–A Walk Forward Process on SPY and TLT [QuantStrat TradeR]
I’m sure we’ve all heard about diversified stock and bond portfolios. In its simplest, most diluted form, it can be comprised of the SPY and TLT etfs. The concept introduced by Logical Invest, in a Seeking Alpha article written by Frank Grossman (also see link here), essentially uses a
- 9 years ago, 23 Feb 2015, 05:48pm -