Quant Mashup - Robot Wealth
ETF Rotation Strategies in Zorro [Robot Wealth]
At Robot Wealth we get more questions than even the most sleep-deprived trader can handle. So whilst we develop the algo equivalent of Siri and brag about how we managed to get 6 hours downtime last night, we thought we’d start a new format of blog posts — answering your most burning questions.
- 6 years ago, 4 Jun 2018, 12:22pm -
Deep Learning for Trading Part 4: Fighting Overfitting with Dropout and Regularization [Robot Wealth]
This is the fourth in a multi-part series in which we explore and compare various deep learning tools and techniques for market forecasting using Keras and TensorFlow. In Part 1, we introduced Keras and discussed some of the major obstacles to using deep learning techniques in trading systems,
- 7 years ago, 6 Feb 2018, 11:47pm -
Deep Learning for Trading Part 3: Feed Forward Networks [Robot Wealth]
This is the third in a multi-part series in which we explore and compare various deep learning tools and techniques for market forecasting using Keras and TensorFlow. In Part 1, we introduced Keras and discussed some of the major obstacles to using deep learning techniques in trading systems,
- 7 years ago, 23 Jan 2018, 05:16am -
Deep Learning for Trading Part 2: Configuring TensorFlow and Keras to run on GPU [Robot Wealth]
This is the second in a multi-part series in which we explore and compare various deep learning tools and techniques for market forecasting using Keras and TensorFlow. In Part 1, we introduced Keras and discussed some of the major obstacles to using deep learning techniques in trading systems,
- 7 years ago, 7 Jan 2018, 04:44am -
Deep Learning for Trading: Part 1 [Robot Wealth]
In the last few years, deep learning has gone from being an interesting but impractical academic pursuit to an ubiquitous technology that touches many aspects of our lives on a daily basis – including in the world of trading. This meteoric rise has been fuelled by a perfect storm of: Frequent
- 7 years ago, 1 Jan 2018, 06:40am -
From Potential to Proven: Why AI is Taking Off in the Finance World [Robot Wealth]
This article is a departure from the quantitative research that usually appears on the Robot Wealth blog. Until recently, I was working as a machine learning consultant to financial services organizations and trading firms in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. A few months ago, I left that world
- 7 years ago, 24 Nov 2017, 09:41am -
Getting Started with Neural Networks for Algorithmic Trading [Robot Wealth]
If you’re interested in using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for algorithmic trading, but don’t know where to start, then this article is for you. Normally if you want to learn about neural networks, you need to be reasonably well versed in matrix and vector operations – the world of linear
- 7 years ago, 5 Sep 2017, 08:50pm -
We Love Free Data: Replacing Yahoo Finance Market Data [Robot Wealth]
In keeping with our recent theme of providing useful tidbits of algo trading practicalities, here’s an elegant solution that resolves Yahoo’s unceremonious exit from the free financial data space. Regular readers would know that I use various tools in my algo trading stack, but the one I keep
- 7 years ago, 29 Jul 2017, 12:25am -
How to Run Trading Algorithms on Google Cloud Platform in 6 Easy Steps [Robot Wealth]
Earlier this year, I attended the Google Next conference in San Francisco and gained some first hand perspective into what’s possible with Google’s cloud infrastructure. Since then, I’ve been leaning on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to run my trading algorithms (and more) and it has become an
- 7 years ago, 19 Jul 2017, 10:51pm -
Solved: Errors Downloading Stock Price Data from Yahoo Finance [Robot Wealth]
Recently, Yahoo Finance – a popular source of free end-of-day price data – made some changes to their server which wreaked a little havoc on anyone relying on it for their algos or simulations. Specifically, Yahoo Finance switched from HTTP to HTTPS and changed the data download URLs. No doubt
- 7 years ago, 20 May 2017, 09:21pm -
Dual Momentum: A Review [Robot Wealth]
I recently read Gary Antonacci’s book Dual Momentum Investing: An Innovative Strategy for Higher Returns with Lower Risk, and it was clear to me that this was an important book to share with the Robot Wealth community. It is important not only because it describes a simple approach to exploiting
- 7 years ago, 28 Apr 2017, 11:21am -
Back to Basics Part 3: Backtesting in Algorithmic Trading [Robot Wealth]
Nearly all research related to algorithmic trading is empirical in nature. That is, it is based on observations and experience. Contrast this with theoretical research which is based on assumptions, logic and a mathematical framework. Often, we start with a theoretical approach (for example, a
- 7 years ago, 12 Apr 2017, 07:50am -
Back to Basics Part 2 – How to Succeed at Algorithmic Trading [Robot Wealth]
There is a lot of information about algorithmic and quantitative trading in the public domain today. The type of person who is attracted to the field naturally wants to synthesize as much of this information as possible when they are starting out. As a result, newcomers can easily be overwhelmed
- 7 years ago, 20 Mar 2017, 01:02am -
Back to Basics: Introduction to Algorithmic Trading [Robot Wealth]
This is the first in a series of posts in which we will change gears slightly and take a look at some of the fundamentals of algorithmic trading. So far, Robot Wealth has focused on machine learning and quantitative trading research, but I had several conversations recently that motivated me to
- 8 years ago, 4 Feb 2017, 09:28am -
Demystifying the Hurst Exponent – Part 1 [Robot Wealth]
This is the first post in a two-part series about the Hurst Exponent. Tom and I worked on this series together, but the awesome code presented throughout is all his. Thanks Tom! Mean-reverting time series have long been a fruitful playground for quantitative traders. In fact, some of the biggest
- 8 years ago, 31 Oct 2016, 08:42am -
So You Want to Build Your Own Algo Trading System? [Robot Wealth]
Unlike any other business, algorithmic trading has the advantage of being independent of marketing, sales, customers and all those things that need the ‘pretty people’ to make it run. Also, you get almost instant feedback on how good you are in your business. For anyone who is numerically
- 8 years ago, 14 Oct 2016, 01:45pm -
Optimal Data Windows for Training a Machine Learning Model for Financial Prediction [Robot Wealth]
It would be great if machine learning were as simple as just feeding data to an out-of-the box implementation of some learning algorithm, then standing back and admiring the predictive utility of the output. As anyone who has dabbled in this area will confirm, it is never that simple. We have
- 8 years ago, 9 Aug 2016, 04:55am -
Machine Learning in Algorithmic Trading Systems Presentation [Robot Wealth]
Last night it was my pleasure to present at the Tyro Fintech Hub in Sydney on the topic of using machine learning in algorithmic trading systems. Here you can download the presentation Many thanks to all who attended and particularly for the engaging questions. I thoroughly enjoyed myself! In
- 8 years ago, 20 Jul 2016, 11:00am -
Recommended Reading [Robot Wealth]
If there’s one thing I’ve done a lot of over the last few years, reading would be it. I’ve devoted a great deal of time to devouring any material that I thought might give me an edge in my trading – textbooks, academic papers, blog articles, training courses, lecture notes, conference
- 8 years ago, 21 Jun 2016, 10:57am -
Machine learning for financial prediction: experimentation with Aronson’s latest work - part 2 [Robot Wealth]
My first post on using machine learning for financial prediction took an in-depth look at various feature selection methods as a data pre-processing step in the quest to mine financial data for profitable patterns. I looked at various methods to identify predictive features including Maximal
- 8 years ago, 10 May 2016, 04:40am -
My experience dealing with Zorro’s support team [Robot Wealth]
Disclaimer: I am not posting this at the behest of the developers of Zorro, nor do I receive any form of payment or commission for this post. I felt that I should relay this experience because it was an example of customer service that went way above and beyond the call of duty in terms of its
- 8 years ago, 14 Apr 2016, 05:33am -
Machine learning for financial prediction: experimentation with Aronson's latest work - part 1 [Robot Wealth]
One of the first books I read when I began studying the markets a few years ago was David Aronson's Evidence Based Technical Analysis. The engineer in me was attracted to the 'Evidence Based' part of the title. This was soon after I had digested a trading book that claimed a basis in
- 8 years ago, 4 Mar 2016, 04:08am -
Fitting time series models to the forex market: are ARIMA/GARCH predictions profitable? [Robot Wealth]
Recently, I wrote about fitting mean-reversion time series models to financial data and using the models’ predictions as the basis of a trading strategy. Continuing my exploration of time series modelling, I decided to research the autoregressive and conditionally heteroskedastic family of time
- 9 years ago, 4 Feb 2016, 10:48pm -
Exploring mean reversion and cointegration: part 2 [Robot Wealth]
In the first post in this series, I explored mean reversion of individual financial time series using techniques such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, the Hurst exponent and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation for a mean reverting stochastic process. I also presented a simple linear mean reversion
- 9 years ago, 3 Jan 2016, 01:35am -
Exploring mean reversion and cointegration with Zorro and R: part 1 [Robot Wealth]
This series of posts is inspired by several chapters from Ernie Chan’s highly recommended book Algorithmic Trading. The book follows Ernie’s first contribution, Quantitative Trading, and focuses on testing and implementing a number of strategies that exploit measurable market inefficiencies.
- 9 years ago, 3 Dec 2015, 12:42am -
A framework for rapid and robust system development based on k-means clustering [Robot Wealth]
Important preface: This post is in no way intended to showcase a particular trading strategy. It is purely to share and demonstrate the use of the framework I’ve put together to speed the research and development process for a particular type of trading strategy. Comments and critiques regarding
- 9 years ago, 24 Nov 2015, 01:29pm -
Unsupervised candlestick classification for fun and profit – part 2 [Robot Wealth]
In the last article, I described an application of the k-means clustering algorithm for classifying candlesticks based on the relative position of their open, high, low and close. This was a simple enough exercise, but now I tackle something more challenging: isolating information that is both
- 9 years ago, 15 Nov 2015, 12:10pm -
Unsupervised candlestick classification for fun and profit - part 1 [Robot Wealth]
Candlestick patterns were used to trade the rice market in Japan back in the 1800's. Steve Nison popularised the idea in the western world and claims that the technique, which is based on the premise that the appearance of certain patterns portend the future direction of the market, is
- 9 years ago, 9 Nov 2015, 12:58pm -
The Financial Hacker’s Cold Blood Index [Robot Wealth]
This post builds on work done by jcl over at his blog, The Financial Hacker. He proposes the Cold Blood Index as a means of objectively deciding whether to continue trading a system through a drawdown. I was recently looking for a solution like this and actually settled on a modification of jcl’s
- 9 years ago, 1 Nov 2015, 11:57am -