Quant Mashup - Quantpedia
Tail Risk in Term Structure Based Strategies in Commodities [Quantpedia]
In this paper I document that carry trades in commodity markets are subject to potential large and infrequent losses, that is, tail risk. Also, I show that shocks to carry trades and volatility have persistent tail-specific effects which last from four to twelve weeks ahead. The main empirical
- 7 years ago, 23 Oct 2017, 09:43am -
How to Predict FX Carry Profitability [Quantpedia]
In this paper, we study the effectiveness of carry trade strategies during and after the financial crisis using a flexible approach to modeling currency returns. We decompose the currency returns into multiplicative sign and absolute return components, which exhibit much greater predictability than
- 7 years ago, 16 Oct 2017, 11:04am -
Suggestion of a New Currency Factor Model [Quantpedia]
We examine the ability of existing and new factor models to explain the comovements of G10-currency changes. Extant currency factors include the carry, volatility, value, and momentum factors. Using a new clustering technique, we find a clear two-block structure in currency comovements with the
- 7 years ago, 3 Oct 2017, 10:56pm -
Craftsmanship Alpha [Quantpedia]
Successful investing requires translating sound investment concepts into actual trading strategies. We study many of the implementation details that portfolio managers need to pay attention to; such choices range from portfolio construction to execution. While these kinds of decisions apply to any
- 7 years ago, 28 Sep 2017, 10:52pm -
Global Diversification Works for Multi-Factor Portfolios [Quantpedia]
The benefits of country diversification are well established. This article shows that the same benefits extend to equity factors, such as value, size, momentum, investment, and profitability. Specifically, country factor portfolios reflect both common variation, which we define as the global factor,
- 7 years ago, 25 Sep 2017, 12:02pm -
Why Machine Learning Funds Fail [Quantpedia]
The rate of failure in quantitative finance is high, and particularly so in financial machine learning. The few managers who succeed amass a large amount of assets, and deliver consistently exceptional performance to their investors. However, that is a rare outcome, for reasons that will become
- 7 years ago, 18 Sep 2017, 10:54am -
How to Combine Commodity Style Strategies [Quantpedia]
This paper develops a portfolio allocation framework to study the benefits of style integration and to compare the effectiveness of alternative integration methods in commodity markets. The framework is flexible enough to be applicable to any asset class for either long-short, long- or short-only
- 7 years ago, 8 Sep 2017, 11:08am -
The Correlation Structure of Anomaly Strategies [Quantpedia]
We investigate the correlation structure of anomaly strategy returns. From an initial 434 anomalies, we select 116 anomalies that are significant in the mean and not highly correlated with other anomalies. Cluster analysis reveals 24 clusters and 29 singleton anomalies that can be grouped into 3
- 7 years ago, 30 Aug 2017, 04:41am -
Explaining the FOMC Drift [Quantpedia]
I propose a theoretical explanation for the puzzling pre-announcement positive drift that has been empirically documented before scheduled Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings. I construct a general equilibrium model of disagreement (difference-of-opinion) where two groups of agents react
- 7 years ago, 22 Aug 2017, 12:25pm -
Supercointegrated Pairs Trading [Quantpedia]
This paper uses S&P100 data to examine the performance of pairs trading portfolios that are sorted by the significance level of cointegration between their constituents. We find that portfolios that are formed with highly cointegrated pairs, named as "supercointegrated", yield the best
- 7 years ago, 16 Aug 2017, 02:28pm -
Historical Returns of the Market Portfolio [Quantpedia]
Using a newly constructed unique dataset, this study is the first to document returns of the market portfolio for a long period and with a high level of detail. Our market portfolio basically contains all assets in which financial investors have invested. We analyze nominal, real, and excess return
- 7 years ago, 11 Aug 2017, 01:04pm -
Financialization of Crude Oil Market [Quantpedia]
The financialization of crude oil markets over the last decade has changed the behavior of oil prices in fundamental ways. In this paper, we uncover the gradual transformation of crude oil from a physical to a financial asset. Although economic demand and supply factors continue to play an important
- 7 years ago, 27 Jul 2017, 07:25am -
How to Improve Shiller's CAPE Ratio [Quantpedia]
The accuracy of U.S. stock return forecasts based on the cyclically-adjusted P/E (CAPE) ratio has deteriorated since 1985. The issue is not the CAPE ratio, but CAPE regressions that assume it reverts mechanically to its long-run average. Our approach conditions mean reversion in the CAPE ratio on
- 7 years ago, 19 Jul 2017, 10:51pm -
Is Equity Premium Predictable? [Quantpedia]
We study the performance of a comprehensive set of equity premium forecasting strategies that have been shown to outperform the historical mean out-of-sample when tested in isolation. Using a multiple testing framework, we find that previous evidence on out-of-sample predictability is primarily due
- 7 years ago, 15 Jul 2017, 12:18am -
Are REITs a Distinct Asset Class? [Quantpedia]
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are often considered to be a distinct asset class. But, do REITs deserve this designation? While exact definitions for asset class may vary, a number of statistical methods can provide strong evidence either for or against the suitability of the designation. The
- 7 years ago, 30 Jun 2017, 08:07am -
Survey of Quality Investing [Quantpedia]
Factor investing has experienced a resurgence in popularity under the moniker “smart beta.” Several traditional factors, such as value, size, momentum, and low beta, are well defined and have been heavily researched in academia as return anomalies for many decades. These factors have also been
- 7 years ago, 21 Jun 2017, 07:35pm -
Portfolio Weighting Schemes for Commodity Futures Risk Premia [Quantpedia]
We examine whether and to what extent successful equities investment strategies are transferrable to the commodities futures market. We investigate a total of 7 investment strategies that involve optimization and mean-variance timing techniques. To account for the unique characteristics of the
- 7 years ago, 14 Jun 2017, 09:25pm -
Factors vs. Sectors in Asset Allocation [Quantpedia]
This paper compares and contrasts factor investing and sector investing, and then seeks a compromise by optimally exploiting the advantages of both styles. Our results show that sector investing is effective for reducing risk through diversification while factor investing is better for capturing
- 7 years ago, 7 Jun 2017, 10:56pm -
An Analysis of Momentum Behaviour in the Long-Term [Quantpedia]
Motivated by behavioral theories, we test whether recent past performance of the momentum strategy (Past Momentum Performance--PMP) negatively predicts the performance of stale momentum portfolios. Following periods of top-quintile PMP, momentum portfolios exhibit strong reversals 2-5 years after
- 7 years ago, 26 May 2017, 10:13am -
An Example of Trading Model Design by Richard Olsen (Founder of @OANDA) [Quantpedia]
We introduce a new approach to algorithmic investment management that yields profitable automated trading strategies. This trading model design is the result of a path of investigation that was chosen nearly three decades ago. Back then, a paradigm change was proposed for the way time is defined in
- 7 years ago, 20 May 2017, 09:20pm -
Do Mutual Fund Managers Have Stock-Picking Skill in Lottery Stocks? [Quantpedia]
Are portfolio managers skilled in stock-picking? It is a popular subject for academic research and majority of papers show that active funds underperform their respective benchmarks. But... It doesn't mean professionals do not know how to pick stocks. It can simply mean that a lot of managers
- 7 years ago, 11 May 2017, 10:26pm -
Is VIX Index Manipulated? [Quantpedia]
At the settlement time of the VIX Volatility Index, volume spikes on S&P 500 Index (SPX) options, but only in the out-of-the-money options that are used to calculate the VIX, and more so for options with a higher and discontinuous influence on VIX. We investigate alternative explanations of
- 7 years ago, 28 Apr 2017, 10:10pm -
Analysis of Commodity Futures Returns Over the Last Decade [Quantpedia]
Long-only commodity futures returns have been very disappointing over the last decade, leading some to wonder if it was a mistake to invest in commodities. The poor performance is the result of poor “income returns” and not of falling commodity prices. This observation may be surprising for many
- 7 years ago, 21 Apr 2017, 07:15pm -
The Intrinsic Value of Gold [Quantpedia]
In this paper, we propose a gold price index that enables market participants to separate the change in the ‘intrinsic’ value of gold from changes in global exchange rates. The index is a geometrically weighted average of the price of gold denominated in different currencies, with weights that
- 7 years ago, 12 Apr 2017, 07:50am -
Market State Impact on Cross-Sectional and Time-Series Momentum Strategy [Quantpedia]
Recent evidence on momentum returns shows that the time-series (TS) strategy outperforms the cross-sectional (CS) strategy. We present new evidence that this happens only when the market continues in the same state, UP or DOWN. In fact, we find that the TS strategy underperforms the CS strategy when
- 7 years ago, 7 Apr 2017, 11:58am -
Why have asset price properties changed so little in 200 years? [Quantpedia]
We first review empirical evidence that asset prices have had episodes of large fluctuations and been inefficient for at least 200 years. We briefly review recent theoretical results as well as the neurological basis of trend following and finally argue that these asset price properties can be
- 7 years ago, 30 Mar 2017, 11:37pm -
Momentum and Reversal Combined with Volatility Effect in Stocks [Quantpedia]
Folks from Quantopian did a new independent analysis of a strategy we have in our database. An article is written by Jeremy Muhia and is focused on Momentum and Reversal Combined with Volatility Effect in Stocks (Strategy #155): https://www.quantopian.com/posts/do-momentum-and-reversals-coexist
- 7 years ago, 23 Mar 2017, 08:28pm -
Analysis of Asymmetrical Moving Average for Buy/Sell Signals [Quantpedia]
ost market participants are risk adverse and people tend to close their long positions once they perceive a formation of downturn in the market. Large sudden price drops can always be observed near the end of uptrends. On the other hand, people tend to have their own preferences in deciding the
- 7 years ago, 16 Mar 2017, 05:32pm -
FX Carry Risk Mitigation Papers [Quantpedia]
We analyze the worst currency carry loss episodes in recent decades, including causes, attribution by currency, timing, and the duration of carry drawdowns. To explore the determinants of the length of carry losses, a model of carry drawdown duration is estimated. We find evidence that drawdown
- 7 years ago, 10 Mar 2017, 03:31am -
The No-Short Return Premium [Quantpedia]
Theory predicts that securities with greater limits to arbitrage are more subject to mispricing and thus should command a higher return premium. We test this prediction using the unique regulatory setting from the Hong Kong stock market, in which some stocks can be sold short and others cannot. We
- 7 years ago, 6 Mar 2017, 03:37am -
How Short Positions Affect Factor Investing? [Quantpedia]
The performances of factor investing rely heavily on short sales, not only for building the initial long-short strategy, but also for regularly rebalancing the positions. Since short selling is subject to both legal restrictions and substantial costs, this paper examines how severely restrictions on
- 7 years ago, 23 Feb 2017, 09:43pm -
Are Hedge Funds Betting Against Low-Volatility Stocks? [Quantpedia]
The low-volatility anomaly is often attributed to limits to arbitrage, such as leverage, short-selling and benchmark constraints. One would therefore expect hedge funds, which are typically not hindered by these constraints, to be the smart money that is able to benefit from the anomaly. This paper
- 8 years ago, 10 Feb 2017, 11:07am -
Value and Growth Stock Behavior During Market Declines [Quantpedia]
Using data for five major stock market declines during the 1987-2008 period, this paper provides evidence that value stocks are generally less sensitive to major stock market declines than growth stocks, controlling for beta, firm size, and industry group. Further analysis using several hundred
- 8 years ago, 4 Feb 2017, 02:59am -
Common Factor Structure in a Cross-Section of Stocks [Quantpedia]
We seek to describe the broad cross-section of average stock returns. We follow the APT literature and estimate the common factor structure among a large cross-section containing 278 decile portfolios (associated with 28 market anomalies). Our statistical model contains seven common factors (with an
- 8 years ago, 26 Jan 2017, 11:19am -
PutWrite vs. BuyWrite Index Differences [Quantpedia]
The CBOE PutWrite Index has outperformed the BuyWrite Index by approximately 1.1 percent per year between 1986 and 2015. That is pretty impressive. But troubling. Yes – troubling – because the theory of put-call parity tells us that such outperformance should be almost impossible via a
- 8 years ago, 22 Jan 2017, 11:02am -
Purifying Factor Premiums in Equity Markets [Quantpedia]
In this paper we consider the question of how to improve the efficacy of strategies designed to capture factor premiums in equity markets and, in particular, from the value, quality, low risk and momentum factors. We consider a number of portfolio construction approaches designed to capture factor
- 8 years ago, 15 Jan 2017, 08:57pm -
Seasonalities in Stock Returns [Quantpedia]
Existing research has documented cross-sectional seasonality of stock returns – the periodic outperformance of certain stocks relative to others during the same calendar month, weekday, or pre-holiday periods. A model based on the differential sensitivity of stocks to investor mood explains these
- 8 years ago, 8 Jan 2017, 11:58pm -
Trading Strategy Series with @Quantopian: Cross-Sectional Equity Mean Reversion [Quantpedia]
Quantopian & Quantpedia Trading Strategy Series continues ... Now with a 4th article, again written by Matthew Lee, focused on Cross-Sectional Equity Mean Reversion (Strategy #13):
- 8 years ago, 29 Dec 2016, 08:27pm -
An Effect of Monetary Conditions on Carry Trades [Quantpedia]
This paper investigates the relation between monetary conditions and the excess returns arising from an investment strategy that consists of borrowing low-interest rate currencies and investing in currencies with high interest rates, so-called "carry trade". The results indicate that carry
- 8 years ago, 22 Dec 2016, 05:03pm -
An Interesting Analysis of Shiller's CAPE Ratio [Quantpedia]
Robert Shiller shows that Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (CAPE) is strongly associated with future long-term stock returns. This result has often been interpreted as evidence of market inefficiency. We present two findings that are contrary to such an interpretation. First, if markets
- 8 years ago, 18 Dec 2016, 05:55am -
Sources of Return for CTAs - A Brief Survey of Relevant Research [Quantpedia]
This survey paper will discuss the (potential) structural sources of return for both CTAs and commodity indices based on a review of empirical research articles from both academics and practitioners. The paper specifically covers (a) the long-term return sources for both managed futures programs and
- 8 years ago, 11 Dec 2016, 01:23am -
An Impact of Correlation and Volatility on a Pairs Trading Strategy [Quantpedia]
This paper explains the idiosyncratic risk puzzle in a novel test setting with a combination of arbitrage risk and arbitrage asymmetry as in Stambaugh/Yu/Yuan (2015). We utilize the popular investment strategy pairs trading to identify a different kind of mispricing and find a dominant negative
- 8 years ago, 1 Dec 2016, 07:50pm -
Market Leverage as an Explanation of Low Volatility Anomaly [Quantpedia]
The 'low-beta' or 'low-volatility anomaly' is one of the most researched in the field of 'alternative beta'. Despite strong published evidence going back to the 1970s that high beta/volatility stocks underperform relative to expectations generated by the Capital Asset
- 8 years ago, 27 Nov 2016, 06:59am -
What is the Capacity of Smart Beta Strategies? [Quantpedia]
Using a transaction cost model, and an assumption for the smart beta premium observed in data, we estimate the capacity of momentum, quality, value, size, minimum volatility, and a multi-factor combination of the first four strategies. Flows into these factor strategies incur transaction costs. For
- 8 years ago, 16 Nov 2016, 06:37pm -
A Reversal-Based Trading Strategy Around Earnings Announcements [Quantpedia]
This study documents that earnings announcements serve as a reality check on short-term, fear and greed driven price development: stocks with extreme abnormal returns in the week before an earnings announcement experience strong price reversal around the announcement. A trading strategy that
- 8 years ago, 3 Nov 2016, 10:19am -
Tail Protection of Trend-Following Strategies [Quantpedia]
The performance of trend following strategies can be ascribed to the difference between long-term and short-term realized variance. We revisit this general result and show that it holds for various definitions of trend strategies. This explains the positive convexity of the aggregate performance of
- 8 years ago, 22 Oct 2016, 06:00pm -
Zero-Crossing Variant of Pairs Trading Strategy [Quantpedia]
Pairs trading is a venerable trading strategy. There is agreement that it worked fine in the far past. But it is less clear if it still profitable today. In this working paper the universe of eligible pairs is defined by the holdings of a given ETF. It is shown that the stocks must be from ETFs
- 8 years ago, 14 Oct 2016, 01:45pm -
Cointegration and Pairs Trading in Stocks [Quantpedia]
We examine a new method for identifying close economic substitutes in the context of relative value arbitrage. We show that close economic substitutes correspond to a special case of cointegration whereby individual prices have approximately the same exposure to a common nonstationary factor. A
- 8 years ago, 7 Oct 2016, 01:40pm -
Option Pricing Methods in the Late 19th Century [Quantpedia]
This paper examines option pricing methods used by investors in the late 19th century. Based on the book called “PUT-AND-CALL” written by Leonard R. Higgins in 1896 and published in 1906 it is shown that investors in that period used routinely the put-call parity for option conversion and static
- 8 years ago, 30 Sep 2016, 10:03am -
Does Interest Rate Exposure Explain the Low Volatility Anomaly? [Quantpedia]
We show that part of the outperformance of low volatility stocks can be explained by a premium for interest rate exposure. Low volatile portfolios have a positive exposure to interest rates, whereas the more volatile stocks have a negative exposure. Incorporating an interest rate premium explains
- 8 years ago, 25 Sep 2016, 07:01pm -