Quant Mashup - Quantpedia
Estimating Rebalancing Premium in Cryptocurrencies [Quantpedia]
A long time ago, before elevators were a thing, a simple mechanism was used to get the miners in and out of the mines. This mechanism is called a “Man Engine” (or “Fahrkünst” in German language) and works on a simple principle of two reciprocating ladders and stationary platforms. The two
- 3 years ago, 13 Dec 2021, 09:48pm -
Synthetic Lending Rates Predict Subsequent Market Return [Quantpedia]
It is indisputable that the data are changing financial markets – computing power has increased, allowing to rise the trends of ML/AI and big data (number of possible predictors or granularity) or HFT strategies. Indeed, not all the datasets are worth the time of academics, investors or traders,
- 3 years ago, 9 Dec 2021, 10:43am -
The Quant Cycle - The Time Variation in Factor Returns [Quantpedia]
Although the factors in asset pricing models offer a premium in the long run, they are undergoing bull and bear market cycles in the short term. One would expect that it is due to their connection to the business cycles as the factor premium represents a reward for bearing the macroeconomic risks. A
- 3 years ago, 22 Nov 2021, 07:17pm -
Community Alpha of @QuantConnect – Part 4 [Quantpedia]
This blog post is the continuation (and finale) of series about Quantconnect’s AlphaMarket strategies. This part is related to the multi-factor strategies notoriously known from the majority of asset classes. We continue in the examination of factor strategies built on top of social trading
- 3 years ago, 20 Nov 2021, 08:37am -
How to Combine Different Momentum Strategies [Quantpedia]
Today we will again talk more about the portfolio management theory, and we will focus on techniques for combining quantitative strategies into one multi-strategy portfolio. So, let’s imagine we already have a set of profitable investment strategies, and we need to combine them. The goal of such
- 3 years ago, 15 Nov 2021, 08:06pm -
How News Move Markets? [Quantpedia]
Nobody would argue that nowadays, we live in an information-rich society – the amount of available information (data) is constantly rising, and news is becoming more accessible and frequent. It is indisputable that this evolvement has also affected financial markets. Machine learning algorithms
- 3 years ago, 14 Nov 2021, 07:41pm -
An Introduction to Value at Risk Methodologies [Quantpedia]
Understanding the risks of any quantitative trading strategy is one of the pillars of successful portfolio management. Of course, we can hope for good future performance, but to survive market whipsaws, we must have tools for sound risk management. The “Value at Risk” measure is such a standard
- 3 years ago, 29 Oct 2021, 12:06pm -
What is the Optimal Gold Allocation in a Portfolio? [Quantpedia]
Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates L.P. and the creator of the All-Weather investment strategy, recommends having some gold in a contemporary environment. He states, “In a world of ongoing pressure for policymakers across the globe to print and spend, zero interest rates, tectonic
- 3 years ago, 14 Oct 2021, 11:49am -
Insider Trading: What Happens Behind Closed Doors [Quantpedia]
Corporate insiders often have insight into a company’s private information, which might help them predict how the shares’ price will move in the coming days. However, laws and regulations are designed to keep them from trading based on this knowledge, as it would be unfair and hurt the
- 3 years ago, 11 Oct 2021, 10:53am -
Three Simple Tactical FX Hedging Strategies [Quantpedia]
There are many ways one can lose money when investing, and exchange rates are one of the potential risk factors. Luckily, there are several ways to minimize this type of loss in your portfolio. Systematic tactical FX hedging that uses currency factor strategies (for example currency carry, currency
- 3 years ago, 8 Oct 2021, 11:07am -
How to Use Deep Order Flow Imbalance [Quantpedia]
Order book information is crucial for traders, but it can be complex. With the numbers of stocks listed in stock exchanges, it is impossible to track all the available information for the human mind. Therefore, the order flows could be an interesting dataset for machine learning models. The novel
- 3 years ago, 6 Oct 2021, 10:48am -
Introduction to Clustering Methods In Portfolio Management – Part 3 [Quantpedia]
This is the third and final article from the clustering series. If you’ve missed the previous parts, here you can find the first and second parts of the series. This section examines trading strategies based on previously introduced clustering methods. The complete Portfolio Clustering report will
- 3 years ago, 29 Sep 2021, 09:34pm -
Asset Pricing Models in China [Quantpedia]
The CAPM model was a breakthrough for asset pricing, but the times where the market factor was most widely used are long gone. Nowadays, if we exaggerate a bit, we have as many factors as we want. Therefore, it might not be straightforward which factor model should be used. Hanauer et al. (2021)
- 3 years ago, 27 Sep 2021, 09:45pm -
Introduction to Clustering Methods In Portfolio Management - Part 1 [Quantpedia]
At the beginning of October, we plan to introduce for our Quantpedia Pro clients a new Quantpedia Pro report dedicated to clustering methods in portfolio management. The theory behind this report is more extensive; therefore, we have decided to split the introduction into our methodology into three
- 3 years ago, 16 Sep 2021, 10:07pm -
How to Use Lexical Density of Company Fillings [Quantpedia]
The application of alternative data is currently a strong trend in the investment industry. We, too, analyzed few datasets in the past, be it ESG data, sentiment, or company fillings. This article continues the exploration of the alt-data space. This time, we use the research paper by Joenväärä
- 3 years ago, 10 Sep 2021, 11:49am -
A New Return Asymmetry Investment Factor in Commodity Futures [Quantpedia]
As mentioned several times, Quantpedia is a big fan of transferring ideas from one asset class to another. This article is another example; we use an idea originally tested on Chinese stocks and apply it to the commodity futures investment universe. The resultant return new asymmetry investment
- 3 years ago, 8 Sep 2021, 09:09pm -
The Best Systematic Trading Strategies in 2021: Part 3 [Quantpedia]
Finally, what are the five top-performing quantitative trading strategies in 2021? In part 1 of our article, we analyzed tendencies and trends among the Top 10 quantitative strategies of 2021. Thanks to Quantpedia Pro’s screener, we published several interesting insights about them. In part 2 of
- 3 years ago, 30 Aug 2021, 10:52am -
How to Use Exotic Assets to Improve Your Trading Strategy [Quantpedia]
As we have mentioned several times, the best course of action for a quant analyst who wants to develop a new trading strategy is to understand a well-known investment anomaly/factor fundamentally and then improve it. Quantpedia is a big fan of transferring ideas derived from academic research from
- 3 years ago, 26 Aug 2021, 12:57pm -
The Best Systematic Trading Strategies in 2021: Part 2 [Quantpedia]
The year 2021 has been an incredible year for passive equity investors so far. However, in the first part of our article, we talked about quantitative strategies which achieved even better results in 2021 than passive US equity investors. Indeed, there do exist such strategies, at least definitely
- 3 years ago, 23 Aug 2021, 10:32pm -
Community Alpha of QuantConnect - Part 2: Social Trading Factor Strategies [Quantpedia]
This blog post is the continuation of series about Quantconnect´s Alpha market strategies. This part is related to the factor strategies notoriously known from the majority of asset classes. Although the results are insightful, they are not straightforward, and further analysis could be made.
- 3 years ago, 13 Aug 2021, 10:44am -
Five Small Shards of Insight Hidden in Data [Quantpedia]
Around a month ago, we launched a series of short videos called “Quantpedia Explains“, in which we plan to show and explain some of the themes out of quantitative finance that we think are worth mentioning. We have started with a quick intro to individual Quantpedia Pro reports, and now, we have
- 3 years ago, 29 Jul 2021, 11:15am -
Man vs. Machine: Stock Analysis [Quantpedia]
Nowadays, we see an increasing number of machine learning based strategies and other related financial analyses. But can the machines replace us? Undoubtedly, AI algorithms have greater capacities to “digest” big data, but as always in the markets, everything is not rational. Cao et al. (2021)
- 3 years ago, 18 Jul 2021, 12:45pm -
Introduction to CPPI - Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance [Quantpedia]
As we have promised, we present a short article as an introduction into the methodology of the Quantpedia Pro CPPI reports. Quantpedia Pro clients can use the model portfolio built in the Portfolio Manager as a risky asset to test various variants – Basic CPPI, Drawdown Based CPPI and Dynamic
- 3 years ago, 9 Jul 2021, 01:32pm -
Community Alpha of @QuantConnect - Part 1: Following numerous quantitative strategies [Quantpedia]
Nowadays, social media are involved in fields that were unimaginable in the past. Among others, the world of finance, trading and investing is no exception. For example, Stocktwits is a strong community in this area, Seeking Alpha connects (non)professional analysts, and Twitter connects
- 3 years ago, 1 Jul 2021, 08:23pm -
Markowitz Model [Quantpedia]
We again present a short article as an insight into the methodology of the Quantpedia Pro report – this time for the Markowitz Portfolio Optimization. As usually, Quantpedia Pro allows the optimization of model portfolios built from the passive market factors (commodities, equities, fixed income,
- 3 years ago, 14 Jun 2021, 11:19pm -
Risk Parity Asset Allocation [Quantpedia]
This article is a primer into the methodology we use for the Portfolio Risk Parity report, which is a part of our Quantpedia Pro offering. We explain three risk parity methodologies – Naive Risk Parity (inverse volatility weighted), Equal Risk Contribution and Maximum Diversification. Quantpedia
- 3 years ago, 7 May 2021, 12:48pm -
Market Sentiment and an Overnight Anomaly [Quantpedia]
Various research papers show that market sentiment, also called investor sentiment, plays a role in market returns. Market sentiment refers to the general mood on the financial markets and investors’ overall tendency to trade. The mood on the market is divided into two main types, bullish and
- 3 years ago, 20 Apr 2021, 11:30am -
An Investigation of R&D Risk Premium Strategies [Quantpedia]
A firm as an independent entity is engaged in a wide range of activities that affect its value. While the impact of some activities on the firm’s value is immediate and indisputable, there also exists a variety of activities that might impact the firm’s value in the future, while their outcome
- 3 years ago, 29 Mar 2021, 11:48am -
An Introduction to Volatility Targeting [Quantpedia]
One of the most popular reports in the Portfolio Analysis section of our Quantpedia Pro tool is “Volatility Targeting”. In this article, we will explain some theory behind this portfolio management method. And then, we will go more in-depth, pick several examples and explain some common
- 3 years ago, 9 Mar 2021, 10:10am -
A Robust Approach to Multi-Factor Regression Analysis [Quantpedia]
Practitioners widely use asset pricing models such as CAPM or Fama French models to identify relationships between their portfolios and common factors. Moreover, each asset class has some widely-recognized asset pricing model, from equities through commodities to even cryptocurrencies. However,
- 3 years ago, 26 Feb 2021, 11:41am -
Accelerate Design of Multi-Factor Multi-Asset Models with Quantpedia Pro [Quantpedia]
We hinted in the past few blogs that we were preparing a small surprise. And now it’s time to unveil what we have been cooking during the previous several months. Quantpedia’s main mission is to help with the discovery of new ideas for systematic trading strategies. Our users can quickly
- 3 years ago, 23 Feb 2021, 10:22am -
The Active vs Passive: Smart Factors, Market Portfolio or Both? [Quantpedia]
We would like to present our newest own-research about factor allocation and passive versus active strategies clash. However, respecting our blog format, this version is largely shortened and we invite you to read the full version. Introduction In the equity market, there are two types of investing:
- 4 years ago, 11 Dec 2020, 11:44pm -
The Knapsack problem implementation in R [Quantpedia]
Our own research paper ESG Scores and Price Momentum Are More Than Compatible utilized the Knapsack problem to make the ESG strategies more profitable or Momentum strategies significantly less risky. The implementation of the Knapsack problem was created in R, using slightly modified Simulated
- 4 years ago, 17 Oct 2020, 10:40am -
The Positive Similarity of Company Filings and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns [Quantpedia]
The usage of alternative data is now a main-stream topic in investment management and algorithmic trading. So let’s together explore the textual analysis of 10-K & 10-Q filings and analyze how these datasets could be used as a profitable part of investment portfolios. We invite you to read
- 4 years ago, 10 Sep 2020, 09:31pm -
Pre-Election Drift - Video [Quantpedia]
The presidential campaign is becoming hotter as we are moving closer to this year’s election. But we still have enough time to dig deeper into data about the past elections and prepare for the autumn. Therefore, we have prepared a short video recapitulation of our paper on the pre-election drift.
- 4 years ago, 27 Aug 2020, 08:11pm -
Multi-Asset Skewness Trading Strategy [Quantpedia]
Our main goal in Quantpedia is to broaden the horizons of our readers in the field of systematic investing and quantitative trading. We do not aim to sell trading signals but to inspire and give fresh ideas, of how to invest limited time and resources on quantitative research. Clients can adopt
- 4 years ago, 19 Aug 2020, 10:22pm -
The Effectiveness of Selected Crisis Hedge Strategies [Quantpedia]
During past months we made a set of articles analyzing the performance of equity factors and selected systematic strategies during coronavirus crisis. These articles were short-ranged with data only from the start of the year 2020, which is enough for the purpose of the quick blog posts, but very
- 4 years ago, 30 Jul 2020, 12:06pm -
ESG Scores and Price Momentum Are More Than Compatible [Quantpedia]
Momentum in stocks is not only a key strategy in the many portfolios of practitioners, but it is also an attractive research topic for academics. The original idea behind momentum, is that past winner tend to perform well in the near future, and vice versa, past loser tend to underperform (Jegadeesh
- 4 years ago, 16 Jul 2020, 12:31pm -
YTD Performance of Crisis Hedge Strategies [Quantpedia]
After a month, we are back with a year-to-date performance analysis of a few selected trading strategies. In the previous article, we were writing about the performance of equity factors during the coronavirus crisis. Several readers asked us to take a look also on different types of trading
- 4 years ago, 26 Jun 2020, 04:57am -
Long-Short vs Long-Only Implementation of Equity Factors [Quantpedia]
How should be equity factor strategies implemented? In a long-only (smart beta) way? As a long-short strategy, as most of the hedge funds usually do? Or in a partially-hedged fashion by going long equity factor and shorting market to offset some of the market risks? There is no one universal answer
- 4 years ago, 25 May 2020, 09:59pm -
YTD Performance of Equity Factors - Update After Two Months [Quantpedia]
Nearly two months ago, in a time of the highest turmoil during the current pandemic crisis, we performed a quick assessment of the status of performance of equity factor strategies. The world has still not been able to ward-off health-care crisis completely, but a lot of countries have made
- 4 years ago, 15 May 2020, 09:38am -
Backtesting ESG Factor Investing Strategies [Quantpedia]
Socially Responsible Investing (also called ESG Factor Investing) grows in popularity. More and more investors enter the stock market not just to invest their savings, but they are also want to support companies that bring positive social or environmental change. ESG factor investing can bring
- 4 years ago, 7 May 2020, 02:54pm -
Working with High-Frequency Tick Data - Cleaning the Data [Quantpedia]
Tick data is the most granular high-frequency data available, and so is the most useful in market microstructure analysis. Unfortunately, tick data is also the most susceptible to data corruption and so must be cleaned and conditioned prior to being used for any type of analysis. This article,
- 4 years ago, 17 Apr 2020, 12:09pm -
How Do Investment Strategies Perform After Publication? [Quantpedia]
In many academic fields like physics, chemistry or natural sciences in general, laws do not change. While economics and theory of investing try to find rules that would be true and always applicable, it is not that simple, there is a “complication“ – human. Psychology of humans is very
- 4 years ago, 9 Apr 2020, 09:09pm -
YTD Performance of Equity Factors [Quantpedia]
Actual situation on financial markets changes extremely fast. At the time we are writing this blog post (Monday morning at 23rd of March) we have End-of-Day data to Friday’s close (20th of March) and a few hours of trading action from Monday and VIX currently stands over 70. Markets are in
- 4 years ago, 24 Mar 2020, 11:14am -
Bitcoin in a Time of Financial Crisis [Quantpedia]
This is the article we had prepared around 1-2 weeks ago (data sample starts in October 2014 and ends on 4th of March 2020). But then coronavirus hit our country (Slovak Republic), and we were doing a lot of crisis management tasks and therefore were not able to publish it on time. Now, after the
- 4 years ago, 16 Mar 2020, 09:03pm -
What is the Bitcoin's Risk-Free Interest Rate? [Quantpedia]
Cryptocurrencies, and most notably Bitcoin, are recognized as decentralized currencies. While some see Bitcoin (BTC) as a payment method of the future, others see it as a speculative asset class. No doubt, many have gained on the skyrocketing prices of BTC, but note that many have lost. Despite the
- 5 years ago, 7 Feb 2020, 11:13am -
Pre-Election Drift in the Stock Market [Quantpedia]
There are many calendar / seasonal anomalies by which we can enhance our overall investment strategy. One of the least frequent but still very interesting anomalies is for sure the Pre-Election Drift in the stock market in the United States. This year is the election year, and public discussion is
- 5 years ago, 23 Jan 2020, 11:50am -
Top Ten Blog Posts on Quantpedia in 2019 [Quantpedia]
The end of the year is a good time for a short recapitulation. Apart from other things we do (which we will summarize in our next blog in a few days), we have published around 50 short blog posts / recherches of academic papers on this blog during the last year. We want to use this opportunity to
- 5 years ago, 30 Dec 2019, 12:06pm -
Why Did Trend-Following Underperform Last Decade? [Quantpedia]
Trend-following funds and strategies were once extremely popular after the 2008/2009 crisis. They offered attractive performance, and diversification properties made them a nice addition to investor’s portfolios. Ten years later, “trend-following strategy” is not such a popular word.
- 5 years ago, 22 Dec 2019, 04:14pm -