Quant Mashup - Investment Idiocy
A story of poor statistical intuition [Investment Idiocy]
In my last post I had a bit of a controversial pop at a brilliant and successful billionaire hedge fund manager; Jim Simons. In continuing my futile quest to raise the level of debate in the quantitative investment community I thought I'd have a go at another clever and very wealthy guy, Cliff
- 9 years ago, 25 Sep 2015, 09:32pm -
"Systematic Trading" is Released Today [Investment Idiocy]
Today is the big day. My book Systematic Trading - A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems is officially released (although some people who ordered the ebook may already be reading it). Here is a picture of my new "baby": Even in this age of technology there is
- 9 years ago, 14 Sep 2015, 07:39am -
Systems building - Checks and balances [Investment Idiocy]
Driverless cars are, apparently, very close to commercial reality. I don't know about you but there is something pretty scary about a computer being completely in control of a complex process, which could have catastrophic consequences if it went wrong. Ah it was nothing. You should have seen
- 9 years ago, 2 Sep 2015, 11:01am -
Systems building - accounting [Investment Idiocy]
If you tell someone you're trading, the first thing they'll usually ask is "Have you made any money?" It isn't usually this easy to tell if a trader has made money or not Most traders I've known are pretty obsessed with that question as well. Knowing the answer to that
- 9 years ago, 6 Aug 2015, 06:56pm -
Systems building - execution [Investment Idiocy]
People often get systematic and automated trading mixed up. The latter is a subset of the first. You can't have a system which is fully automated if it relies on discretionary input, no matter how small. But you can have a system which needs a human to make it run, even though there is no
- 9 years ago, 21 Jul 2015, 10:04am -
"Systematic Trading" - the book - now available to pre-order [Investment Idiocy]
Isn't it pretty? The website, and pre-order page, for my magnum opus are now ready: www.systematictrading.org http://www.harriman-house.com/book/view/4598/trading/robert-carver/systematic-trading/ Like it says on the back "This is not just another book with yet another trading system. This
- 9 years ago, 30 Jun 2015, 11:23am -
Systems building - deciding positions [Investment Idiocy]
This is the third post in a series giving pointers on the nuts and bolts of building systematic trading systems. A common myth is that the most important part of a systematic trading system is the 'algo'. The procedure, or set of rules that essentially says 'given this data, what
- 9 years ago, 15 Jun 2015, 02:02pm -
Systems building - futures rolling [Investment Idiocy]
Trading futures has one fairly substantial complication compared to many other assets. You can't just buy 'the CME Gold future'. There is no such thing. You need to select which delivery date future you are trading. Do you want to trade June 2015, July, August....? Once you've
- 9 years ago, 18 May 2015, 02:33pm -
System building - Data capture [Investment Idiocy]
A while ago I ran a series of posts on how you would write some python code to systematically trade using the interactive brokers C++ API. Whilst I hope this was helpful it was just a starting point. There are at least two major projects to undertake before one could actually trade. The first is the
- 9 years ago, 28 Apr 2015, 08:13pm -