This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Thursday, 08/20/2015. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
The Gamblers’ Fallacy [Factor Wave]This is somewhat based on an an article I wrote for the sadly departed "Active Trader" magazine but is more directly spurred by a conversation I had with a reader about my last post. Her point was that by buying dips we are just engaging in a classic Martingale, buying when things go against us. This isn't the case. A Martingale buys MORE when the price goes against us. In
More thoughts on Global Sector ETFs [Flirting with Models]I was recently quoted in and its sister publication, ETF Report, in an article titled Global Sector Investing in Early Stages. The article discusses global sectors and in particular, global sector ETFs and why they haven't seen the growth of their domestic peers. At Newfound, we use iShares' suite of global sector ETFs in our Risk Managed Global Sec
Millennium Auto-Correlation Apocoplyse [John Orford]You can count dead air on the radio by the millisecond, when you expect to hear something but don't, your ears become acutely aware of not hearing anything at all. This doesn't happen with white space on a page. Look at a well designed website; your eyes will happily swim around it; luxuriate in the emptiness. Most of the time dead air is a blatant mistake, but
[Academic Paper] Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Financial Trading Strategies [@Quantivity]Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Financial Trading Strategies
[Academic Paper] Forecasting Stock Market Returns over Multiple Time Horizons [@Quantivity]Forecasting Stock Market Returns over Multiple Time Horizons
[Academic Paper] Volatility Forecast in Crises and Expansions [@Quantivity]Volatility Forecast in Crises and Expansions
[Academic Paper] Passive Hedge Funds (via @carlfischer101) [@Quantivity]Passive Hedge Funds (via @carlfischer101)