This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Sunday, 11/08/2015. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
[Academic Paper] Idiosyncratic Volatility, Momentum, Liquidity, and Expected Stock Returns in Developed and Emerging Markets [@Quantivity]Idiosyncratic Volatility, Momentum, Liquidity, and Expected Stock Returns in Developed and Emerging Markets
[Academic Paper] Over or Under? Momentum, Idiosyncratic Volatility and Overreaction [@Quantivity]Over or Under? Momentum, Idiosyncratic Volatility and Overreaction
Gap Pattern | Trading Strategy (Filter & Exit) [Oxford Capital]I. Trading Strategy Concept: Short-term momentum patterns with a trend filter. Source: Dahlquist, J. R., Bauer, R. J. (2012). Technical Analysis of Gaps. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Research Goal: Performance verification of the Gap Pattern. Specification: Table 1. Results: Figure 1-2. Trade Setup: Long Price Gap: Low[i] > High[i ? 1]); Index: i ~ Current Bar. Short Price Gap: High[i]
Interview with Laurent Bernut [Better System Trader]Laurent Bernut was a systematic short seller with Fidelity for 8 years. His mandate was to underperform the longest bear market in modern history: Japanese equities. Prior to that, he worked in the Hedge Fund world for 5 years. He now runs an automated Forex strategy and travels the world with his family. In this episode we talk all about Short selling, creating shorting strategies, the challenges
Asynchronicity & Performance – ‘JavaScript for Financial Analysts’ Chapter 7 [John Orford]First draft of 'JavaScript for Financial Analysts' Chapter 7. ~ We are all waiting for something, and our computers are no different. Computers are built on four building blocks. CPUs, memory, hard disk and network. Our programs are only as fast as the slowest component. To put machine-scale wait times in a human context, this table normalises wait times to a base of one second.
[Academic Paper] Risk Premia: Asymmetric Tail Risks and Excess Returns [@Quantivity]Risk Premia: Asymmetric Tail Risks and Excess Returns
[Academic Paper] Dynamics of Expected Returns: Evidence from Multi-Scale Time Series Modeling [@Quantivity]Dynamics of Expected Returns: Evidence from Multi-Scale Time Series Modeling
[Academic Paper] Anchoring Adjusted Capital Asset Pricing Model [@Quantivity]Anchoring Adjusted Capital Asset Pricing Model