This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Thursday, 09/08/2022. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Bootstrap Simulation with Portfolio Optimizer: Usage for Financial Planning [Portfolio Optimizer]In statistics, a bootstrap method, also called bootstrapping, is a compute-intensive procedure that allows to estimate the distribution of a statistic through repeated resampling from a single observed sample of data1. Bootstrapping has several applications in quantitative finance, for example to test the robustness of a trading strategy, to compute a portfolio value at risk, etc. In this post, I
Self-organizing maps for an investment strategy [Quant Dare]In a previous post, we explained how self-organizing maps work, with a very simple example. In this post, we will explain how to implement self-organizing maps for an investment strategy. Last time, we gave a simple example with a map of colors to explain in detail how self-organizing maps (SOM) work. As we saw, similar colors tend to stick together. As such, we may use this algorithm for some
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Which is the Fairest Benchmark of Them All? [Factor Research]Evaluating manager performance is difficult as it requires an appropriate benchmark The managers benchmark selection is often not objective given conflicts of interests Factor exposure analysis can be used to systematically identify the best benchmark INTRODUCTION Although information asymmetries have largely disappeared in capital markets, there are plenty found in the asset management