This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Friday, 08/02/2019. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Balancing Strategy and Asset Risk [Allocate Smartly]The Two Centuries Investments blog from Mikhail Samonov has become a new favorite of mine. More thought heavy than numbers heavy, Mikhail is a fount of novel ideas. In this piece he describes something I apply in my own investing (though never defined so succinctly): the need to balance strategy risk and asset risk. I encourage you to read Mikhails piece, but in short, different
Risks of Long-Term Stock Market Investments [Scalable Capital]No pain, no premium: risks are the currency that investors need to pay in order to earn excess returns in the long run. Over a period of almost 100 years the Fama-French US market index achieved approximately 10% annualised return but temporarily lost more than 30% on multiple occasions. For no investment period longer than 15 years did the US market index end up with negative performance. A