This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Sunday, 07/24/2016. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Portfolio selection, Laplace equation and Random Walk [Tulip Quant]Suppose you would like to invest 1000$ in two stocks, and you have to decide how much money you should put into these two stocks. You could use some Modern Portfolio Theory for that, for example. However, I would like to talk about a second approach, which is quite curious in my opinion. This post is based on this text by Julio Rossi, from the University of Buenos Aires. In this text, the
From trading ideas to robust strategies [Better System Trader]To prepare for the previous episode on system trading through the Brexit, I had to dig through some of the past podcast episodes for background information. As I was going through them I realized there was so much great information there, some that I had already forgotten about. Such a shame, all that valuable trading information just sitting there, waiting for our attention, so I thought it must