This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Tuesday, 05/28/2019. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
A Song of Value and Growth [Quiet Quant]Despite Uncle Warrens understanding of the connection of growth and value, those of us that come to investing through the factor and/or academic world, have always been taught that growth investing is a terrible way to invest. This is simply because we have, in most cases, been taught that growth is the opposite of value, and why wouldnt we believe that? Morningstar style boxes, the French
Random Portfolio Generator – Are you Good or Lucky? [Rayner Gobran]I am not a fan of benchmarking against widely available indexes. Most anyone you ask will tell you that you should benchmark against an index because it is an objective measure of performance. It provides you with the beta that allows you to figure out if an investment manager delivers alpha. Is this actually true? No. An index is a trading system in disguise. An index is created by