This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Thursday, 04/21/2016. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Introducing fidlr: FInancial Data LoadeR [R Trader]fidlr is an RSutio addin designed to simplify the financial data downloading process from various providers. This initial version is a wrapper around the getSymbols function in the quantmod package and only Yahoo, Google, FRED and Oanda are supported. I will probably add functionalities over time. As usual with those things just a kind reminder: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT
Get ready for R/Finance 2016 [Revolutions]R/Finance 2016 is less than a month away and, as always, I am very much looking forward to it. In past years, I have elaborated on what puts it among my favorite conferences even though I am not a finance guy. R/Finance is small, single track and intense with almost no fluff. And scattered among the esoterica of finance and trading there has, so far, always been a rich mix of mathematics, time
Sentiment Analysis in Trading Explained Using R [Quant Insti]In this post we discuss sentiment analysis in brief and then present a basic sentiment analysis model in R. Sentiment analysis is the analysis of the feelings (i.e. attitudes, emotions and opinions) which are expressed in the news reports/blog posts/twitter messages etc., using natural language processing tools. Natural language processing (NLP) in simple terms refers to the use of computers to