This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Monday, 04/13/2020. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Low Vol-Momentum vs Value-Momentum Portfolios [Factor Research]Low Vol-Momentum & Value-Momentum portfolios outperformed stock markets since 1989 Low factor correlations contributed to the attractive risk-return profiles Excess returns have been lower in the most recent than in previous decades INTRODUCTION If an investor would state today that in ten or twenty years most portfolios would include an allocation to cryptocurrencies, he would likely be
Macro trading and macroeconomic trend indicators [SR SV]Macroeconomic trends are powerful asset return factors because they affect risk aversion and risk-neutral valuations of securities at the same time. The influence of macroeconomics appears to be strongest over longer horizons. A macro trend indicator can be defined as an updatable time series that represents a meaningful economic trend and that can be mapped to the performance of tradable assets