This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Tuesday, 04/10/2018. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Portfolio Construction with R [Eran Raviv]Constructing a portfolio means allocating your money between few chosen assets. The simplest thing you can do is evenly split your money between few chosen assets. Simple as it is, good research shows it is just fine, and even better than other more sophisticated methods (for example Optimal Versus Naive Diversification: How Inefficient is the 1/N). However, there is also good research that
Problems with a Long Horizon Predictability [Quantpedia]Long-horizon return regressions have effectively small sample sizes. Using overlapping long-horizon returns provides only marginal benefit. Adjustments for overlapping observations have greatly overstated t-statistics. The evidence from regressions at multiple horizons is often misinterpreted. As a result, there is much less statistical evidence of long-horizon return predictability than implied
State of Trend Following in March [Au Tra Sy]A fairly neutral month for the index after the up-and-down start of the year, leaving the index in slight negative mode for the year. Please check below for more details. Detailed Results The figures for the month are: March return: 0.9% YTD return: -1.1% Below is the chart displaying individual system results throughout March: