This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Monday, 02/10/2020. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Investing in “Distressed” TAA Strategies [Allocate Smartly]In response to a member question: Have you ever looked at a systematic approach that invested only in tactical asset allocation strategies that were experiencing a significant drawdown? We know that performance chasing is a flawed behavioral bias, so an approach like this could exploit it. We always appreciate thoughtful questions like this from members. First off, we can confirm that chasing
Payoff Diversification [Flirting with Models]At Newfound, we adopt a holistic view of diversification that encompasses not only what we invest in, but also how and when we make those investment decisions. In this three-dimensional perspective, what is correlation-based, how is payoff-based, and when is opportunity-based. In this piece, we provide an example of what we mean by payoff-based diversification, using a simple strategically
Timing Low Volatility with Factor Valuations [Factor Research]Factors can be valued like stocks or markets The Low Volatility factor in the US had the best subsequent returns when cheapest and worst when most expensive However, the perspective is less clear when analyzing European and Japanese stock markets INTRODUCTION Funds flows are frequently analyzed by investors to gauge the demand for investment strategies, but it represents a challenging exercise.
Python Regression Analysis: Drivers of German Power Prices [Philipp Kahler]German Power prices can be explained by supply and demand, but also by causal correlations to underlying energy future prices. A properly weighted basket of gas, coal and emissions should therefore be able to resemble the moves of the power price. This article will introduce multivariate regression analysis to calculate the influence of the underlying markets on a given benchmark. It is an example
Robot Wealth 6 Week Bootcamp – Build A Fully Automated FX Strategy – Enrollment Ends FridayBeginner to live FX algo trading in 6 weeks. Team up, research and trade fully-automated systematic FX strategies and rapidly build your capital-growing portfolio. Gain the experience and support needed to trade a fully-automated systematic FX strategy live by March 2020. Copy the beginner-friendly approach we use to trade for a living so one day you can too. Share the workload with a community of