This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Sunday, 01/07/2018. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Deep Learning for Trading Part 2: Configuring TensorFlow and Keras to run on GPU [Robot Wealth]This is the second in a multi-part series in which we explore and compare various deep learning tools and techniques for market forecasting using Keras and TensorFlow. In Part 1, we introduced Keras and discussed some of the major obstacles to using deep learning techniques in trading systems, including a warning about attempting to extract meaningful signals from historical market data. If you
Academic Research Papers and Presentations Galore! [Alpha Architect]It is that time of year again, the American Finance Association Annual Meeting is underway. The conference is in Philadelphia, starting today (January 5) and running through Sunday (January 7). This 3-day conference has 73 sessions, 246 papers and 12 presentations with no papers (general discussions) a lot of information to cover! Here is the preliminary conference program, as well as the