This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Wednesday, 07/08/2015. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
All Strategies Blow Up [GestaltU]We are a quantitative finance shop, right down to the ground. All of our portfolios are driven by supervised quantitative models with no discretionary intervention. As such, I was inspired to respond to a recent article on the risk of quant strategies, as I think the way our team approaches quantitative research diverges from how many outsiders perceive quant, and also from how many qua
The Comfort of Following the Index by Saarthak Gupta [Factor Wave]FactorWave is built on the premise that factors are important investing. And if these factors are so important, then we should be asking ourselves why everyone doesn't seem to use them. If I may briefly invoke the specter of Rational Economic Theory, in an efficient market, these factors shouldn't even exist. So maybe we can beat these "professional investors." And I
XIV a heart attack waiting to happen [Alvarez Quant Trading]A research friend recently sent me a link to The #1 Stock In The World. Besides being a blatant title to get ones attention (and it worked on me), I found the idea interesting along with my research friends. I have been trying to add either XIV or VXX to my trading in some small way. The article is only doing a buy and hold on XIV but it peaked my interest to try some other ideas.
Quantitative Financial Risk Management [Reading the Markets]Quantitative Financial Risk Management: Theory and Practice, edited by Constantin Zopounidis and Emilios Galariotis (Wiley, 2015) is a collection of 15 papers, written primarily by academics. The papers deal with five main topics: supervisory risk management, risk models and measures, portfolio management, credit risk modeling, and financial markets. One paper that I think