This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Wednesday, 09/28/2016. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
The Optimal ETFs For Each Market Segment [Signal Plot]In one of my previous posts, I wrote about my framework for choosing ETFs since I wanted a method of choosing the optimal ETFs for expressing my market views. Generally, the framework is to choose an ETF with a low expense ratio, low trading costs, low tracking error, and a tax-advantaged structure. One of the key insights I got from writing that post was that investors should weigh each of those
Momentum Rotation System AmiBroker Code [DTR Trading]I've received several requests for details on the AmiBroker (AB) code and settings used for the backtest shown in my April post: Momentum Rotation 60 Day ROC System Results. That post used the AmiBroker Formula Language (AFL) code from my article in March 2015. That was a long time ago, so here is the 60 day momentum rotation system AFL again:
Taming High Return and High Risk [Alvarez Quant Trading]I was at a recent talk of the Northwest Traders and Technical Analysts group where they presented a VXX strategy with some huge return and drawdown numbers. Trading this would be very difficult. This got me thinking. If I had a strategy like this, how could I tame the numbers? Through the years, I have seen various ideas about how to do this but never looked into it. Searching the web one can find
Learning with kernels: an introductory approach [Quant Dare]Time series pervade financial markets and, although some embrace the so-called efficient market hypothesis, stating that current market prices reflect all available information about a security into its price, I am more inclined to think they provide us with a lot of information that we rarely know how to exploit it for our own benefit. I agree that financial time series may be damn difficult to
QuantStart Events in October and November 2016 [Quant Start]This is a short post to let QuantStart readers know that I'll be speaking at some events in New York and Singapore over the next couple of months: Wednesday, October 5th 2016, NYC – I'll be talking about "The Quest for Profitability", along with Seong Lee who will be talking about "Data Driven Strategies" Thursday, October 6th 2016, NYC – I'll be moderating a