This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Wednesday, 09/04/2019. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
DIY Ray Dalio ETF: How to build your own Hedge Fund strategy with risk parity portfolios [Open Quants]Earlier this month, Bloomberg published a news article about the launch of a new Risk Parity ETF in the US. The RPAR Risk Parity ETF plans to allocate across asset classes based on risk. The fund would be the first in the U.S. to follow this quantitative approach, allotting more money to securities with lower volatility according to Bloomberg. [The RPAR Risk Parity ETF is] kind of like Bridgewater
Understanding Variance Explained in PCA [Eran Raviv]Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the earliest multivariate techniques. Yet not only it survived but it is arguably the most common way of reducing the dimension of multivariate data, with countless applications in almost all sciences. Mathematically, PCA is performed via linear algebra functions called eigen decomposition or singular value decomposition. By now almost nobody cares how
How a College Student Built a Slackbot to Execute Trades In a Day, Part 1 [Alpaca]Chinese tariffs. Tesla to 420. Trump tweets. With so much unpredictability in the markets these days, one short look away from the market could take a toll on your portfolio. Unfortunately, the market does not wait for people to get off work to become volatile. In fact, much of the volatility can happen during the workday, while people are busy in meetings or trying to get work done. Luckily for