This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Monday, 07/18/2022. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Slava Ukraini! Latest from Quantocracy contributor in Ukraine: Trading Signals In VIX Futures [Only VIX]Marco Avellaneda has contributed tremendously to financial mathematics, and to volatility trading in particular, has passed away earlier this year. Here I will review one of his last papers on trading VIX futures. I think most readers of this blog have modeled VIX futures understand both the risks and potential profitability of roll strategies, and the most difficult part is balancing the two. VIX
Correlation Matrix Stress Testing: Shrinkage Toward the Lower and Upper Bounds of a Correlation Matrix [Portfolio Optimizer]I previously described on this blog an intuitive way of performing stress tests on a correlation matrix, which consists in shrinking a baseline correlation matrix toward an equicorrelation matrix12. A limitation of this method, though, is that it alters all the correlation coefficients of the baseline correlation matrix, so that it is for example impossible to stress only the correlation between
Evaluating Inflation Hedges [Factor Research]Despite being different metrics, CPI and breakeven inflation rates exhibited the same trends since 2003 The securities with high betas to inflation come from diverse sectors, not just from energy and commodities Portfolios often feature hidden inflation exposure that should be revealed via factor exposure analysis INTRODUCTION The Bundesbank estimated that Germans hoarded about EUR 200 billion of
Can We Measure Inflation with Twitter [Alpha Architect]Twitter is an interesting dataset for researchers interested in consumer beliefs. (200 million monthly active users worldwide (Elon Musk may disagree!) and about 10 million active users in Italy in 2019 (AGCOM 2020)). Inflation expectations are at the heart of any consumption and investment decision of households and firms in the economy. There are two commonly used sources of inflation