This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Monday, 08/07/2023. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Quant_rv part 8: a multi-vol approach [Babbage9010]Sum up: by combining all the vols into one strategy and randomizing key parameters, we can generate useful signals that yield a decent return with some consistency. Were not meeting all the quant_rv goals yet, but were making progress on all the fronts. ~ Links to earlier parts ~ Part 1: jumping in, Part 2: cleanup, Part 3: new goals, Part 4: heatmaps, Part 5: param exploration, Part 6:
Quant And Machine Learning Links: 20230806 [Machine Learning Applied]Portfolio Management: A Deep Distributional RL Approach David Pacheco Aznar This thesis presents the development and implementation of a novel Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning (DDRL) approach in the field of quantitative finance: the Distributional Soft Actor-Critic (DSAC) with an LSTM embedding. The model is built to further stabilize the performance of the widely used deep
Statistical Shrinkage (2) [Eran Raviv]During 2017 I blogged about Statistical Shrinkage. At the end of that post I mentioned the important role signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) plays when it comes to the need for shrinkage. This post shares some recent related empirical results published in the Journal of Machine Learning Research from the paper Randomization as Regularization. While mainly for tree-based algorithms, the intuition
Investor demand: can it explain returns? [Alpha Architect]The traditional financial theory attributes security returns to market- or factor-based risk, with no role ascribed to other influences. In this research, the authors argue for including investor demand as an additional variable in explaining returns. Can changes in investor demand generate systematic changes in security returns? Overall, our analysis shows that demand effects caused by