This is a summary of links featured on Quantocracy on Sunday, 12/23/2018. To see our most recent links, visit the Quant Mashup. Read on readers!
Hundreds of quant papers/libraries from #QuantLinkADay in 2018 [Cuemacro]I tweet quite a bit! It can involve random subjects such as burgers. However, the main objective of my Twitter account is to tweet about all thinks quant related, whether its trading strategies or the market or coding (in particular Python). To make sure I actually did this, several years ago, I started my #QuantLinkADay daily tweets, where I post at least one daily link to something quant
The little girl study and the horrid Crash of 87 [Quantifiable Edges]Every once in a while I come across a study that reminds me an awful lot of Longfellows The little girl. 2018-12-23-2 After the strong and persistent selling over the last few days I decided to examine other times like now where the SPX dropped at least 1.5% for 3 days in a row. The study below looks back to late 1987 and shows all 10 occurrences over the time period, along with their